Juntendo University, Tokyo, established in 1838.

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About Juntendo

Profile of Medical Education at Juntendo


  Building on a tradition of over 160 years, our university has grown and expanded over the years and now ranks as one of the outstanding medical institutes in Japan. Our progressive undergraduate curriculum allows each student to acquire a medical education based on self-learning. Within the limited period of six years we at Juntendo provide students with a comprehensive education which covers all of the major areas of the rapidly growing fields of modern medical science. Classes are integrated so that they build upon one another and foster an effective understanding of medical knowledge. We believe that what is most important in college medical education is not for students to obtain knowledge passively, but rather to gain the ability to think, learn and solve problems by themselves. At Juntendo University, our educational principle is to educate students who can acquire " patient-oriented" attitudes and sensitivity, along with cooperation and consideration for others.

  We currently have 540 undergraduate students in the M.D. course. Each year we admit 90 students to our freshman class out of an average of about 1800 applicants. The average ratio of women to men is about 4 : 6. The language of instruction in the undergraduate course is Japanese. The undergraduate course curriculum is based on our university's policy of "keep advancing constantly," which was instituted in 1997. Our university graduates have consistently achieved a very high rate of passing the National Board of Medical Doctors Exam, so that almost all of our students can graduate and receive the Bachelor of Medicine degree (Gakushi-Igaku in Japanese) and the license to practice medicine within 6 years. Applicants are required to have 12 years of school education or to have passed the Baccalaureat in France, or the Abitur in Germany, or the equivalent. The admission tests in mathematics, sciences and English, and a personal interview are held in February each year, and the date of admission is April 1st. Total tuition for 6 years is \30,400,000.

  For additional information, please contact the Office of Admissions, Juntendo University, 2-1-1, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8421 Japan.


  In both basic and clinical research, our university has grown into a top medical research institution and is consistently one of the largest recipients of funding in the nation. Today, in an era of rapid and substantial change in the medical world, our university is evolving into an even broader medical institution which will be a model for health care in the 21st century. The graduate program of Juntendo University is designed to provide the necessary theoretical and practical background for advanced studies in medical science. It fosters students' cultural development and encourages in-depth learning in specialized fields under the guidance of eminent faculty members. The school prepares students for conducting independent research in their chosen fields and for serving as outstanding professionals in the clinical, research and educational aspects of medical science.
  The following is a list of our departments.

 department Profile

  Guidelines for applicants for the Ph.D. course, graduate school of medicine and special entrance examination guidelines for non-Japanese applicants living outside of Japan: The period for applications is from September 1 to September 30 each year. Application forms include the following : (a) application for admission, (b) report of physical examination, (c) letter of recommendation written in either Japanese or English by your supervisor, professor, director or president at your university, school, institute, laboratory or hospital, (d) essay written in Japanese or English (800-1200 words) on why you have chosen our university graduate school, why you have chosen the topic for your research and how you plan to achieve it, (e) list of your achievements written in Japanese or English (use 8"1/2 x 11" paper), (f) reprints of your academic papers (a few principal ones), (g) copy of a certificate of your highest academic degree ( note that you must have at least 18 years of school education for applying to the graduate school of medicine.) Decision of admission is made on the basis of an overall judgment of the submitted documents. Applicants who have passed the examination must complete the following entrance procedures; entrance fee : \200,000, tuition fee: \400,000/year, fees for experiments: \150,000/year. The official entrance date is April 1st.

  For additional information, please contact the Office of Postgraduate Admission, Juntendo University, 2-1-1, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8421 Japan.


  After students graduate from the undergraduate course and pass the required licensing examination for medical doctors in Japan, that is, the Japanese National Board of Medical Doctors Exam, they enter the step of resident training of our university. Our continuing medical education is highly respected, such that many Japanese trainees from around the country want to be residents at our institution.

  The goal of continuing medical education is to promote life-long learning among physicians and other health care professionals. Numerous formal courses in the departments listed above in the Postgraduate-Ph.D. section are offered throughout the year for residents in general practice, as well as in all specialties. Conferences and tutorial seminars are also available to any resident who desires to attend and participate. Residents in practice may make arrangements for some training period in courses tailored to their particular interests. These personal contacts with senior faculty and residents, including patient examinations as well as follow-up care, help provide the in-house training experience.

  For additional information, please contact the Office of Resident Medical Education, Juntendo University, 2-1-1, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8421 Japan.

  In Japan, graduates of medical schools outside Japan who want to be members of the clinical house staff are required to hold a valid medical license from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. As for getting the Japanese license, they need to pass two examinations. One is the pre-examination of the medical national board, the so-for called "yobishiken" in Japanese, along with an oral examination. The other is the National Board of Medical Doctors Exam, which can be applied for after gaining experience in medical practice for one year at a Japanese hospital approved by the Ministry, after passing the pre-examination, "yobishiken".

  For additional information, please contact the Office of the National Board, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 1-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-8045 Japan.

Visiting Research Fellow

  The conducting of research, while offering a previously unattainable degree of flexibility in medical education and new opportunities for intellectual exploration, also makes heavy demands upon the fellow. It should be recognized that visiting research fellows at our university are expected to maintain a consistent level of performance and to demonstrate qualities of initiative and dedication to their chosen profession. A scholarly attitude toward medicine that will continue throughout the entire career is an important requirement for conducting research.

  Visiting research fellows who are committed to maintaining a professional attitude towards research are welcome in our university. Every year around 100 researchers have applied to Juntendo, most of whom are from East Asia. Applicants are required to have graduated from a university or to have 16 years of school education ( or if graduating from a medical school, 18 years ) and to have sufficient funds for living in Japan and conducting research. These funds include government scholarships and other public funds. Private visiting research fellows are not preferred unless their funds are sufficient to meet their research activities. Also, application only for the purpose of obtaining a visa to stay in Japan is not permitted, and if a visiting research fellow does not regularly attend their laboratory to do research in our university, we could cancel their status as a visiting research fellow and would report the case to the Immigration Bureau. Furthermore, it would be impossible to conduct research under the condition of working for living.

  To apply to become a visiting research fellow, first send the following materials to the professor at our University with whom you wish to study; (a) a letter of recommendation written in either Japanese or English by your supervisor, professor, director or president of your university, school, institute, laboratory or hospital, (b) an essay written in Japanese or English (800-1200 words) stating why you have chosen the topic for your research and how you plan to achieve it, (c) a list of your academic achievements written in Japanese or English

(use 8"1/2 x 11" paper), (d) a copy of a certificate of your highest academic degree, (e) if a medical school graduate, a copy of your medical doctor license issued by your country, (f) copy of a certification of your economic guaranty or government scholarships. We will notify you as to whether you have been accepted for admission or not. Tuition for a visiting research fellow is \120,000 per year, entrance fee : \30,000 for the first year only.

  For additional information, please contact the Office of Visiting Research Fellows, Juntendo University, 2-1-1, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8421 Japan.