English Master of Science Program

Master of Science Specialization

The Master's Program offers both a two-year and a one-year course of study, each providing the sports and health Sciences major available in both day and evening sessions. Upon the completion of  the program, a master of science degree (specialization in sport and health science) will be awarded to students. 
We accept a total of 70 students for the day and night programs.

Health and Sports Science
Enrollment Capacity

Graduate Career Paths

Excepting graduates who already had a job at the time of enrollment, the employment rate for graduates has been approximately 90% for the last three years, with the main career paths being as follows:

Main career paths:
  • Research or teaching in higher education
  • Health or physical fitness professional
  • Professional coach (various sports)
  • Public physical health instructor
  • Corporate human resources development professional
  • Marketing research professional
  • Event producer
  • Health guidance professional
  • Health and exercise guidance professional
  • Health administrator
  • Junior high or high school teacher
  • Special needs school teacher
  • Education or sports administration
  • Occupational health administration
  • Health and welfare administration
  • Health industry
  • Commercial sports facilities
  • Sports industry
  • Leisure industry
  • Sports media
  • Other general employment

Licenses Available through the Master of Science Program

Students who complete our Graduate School Master of Science Program are eligible for the following teaching licenses: Junior High School Teacher Specialization License (Health and Physical Education) and High School Teacher Specialization License (Health and Physical Education).
Basic qualification for application is being in possession of a Type 1 license, and in principle, completion of the Master of Science Program (acquisition of a Master’s degree) by taking a minimum of 24 credits from among the courses listed below (this applies to both the Sakura Class and the Hongo and Ochanomizu Class.

Specialization License Application Course Requirements

Course Name Lecture/Practice Credits
Sports medicine
【Internal medicine / Locomotorium】※
Lecture 2
Sports Physiology Lecture 2
Sports Biomechanics Lecture 2
Sports Nutrition Lecture 2
Coaching and Method
(Metrical Sports [Athletics / Swimming]) ※
Lecture 2
Coaching and Method
(Expressive Sports [Gymnastics / Dance]) ※
Lecture 2
Coaching and Method (Ball Sports) Lecture 2
Coaching and Method (Martial Arts) Lecture 2
Sports Movement and Behavior Lecture 2
Sports Pedagogy Lecture 2
Sports Physiology Lecture 2
Sports Sociology Lecture 2
Lifelong Sports: An International Perspective Lecture 2
Mental Health Lecture 2
Environmental Health Science Lecture 2
Health Promotion Lecture 2
Health Education Lecture 2
The Disabled and Special Needs Education Lecture 2
Theory of Sports for the Disabled Lecture 2
Theory of Teaching Healthy Exercise Lecture 2
Clinical Psychology Lecture 2
Theory of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy Lecture 2
Practicum on Teaching Technique and Materials Development Practice 4

※Students will enroll in either one of the courses listed in square brackets (credits will be awarded for enrolled course only).
※Note that students are required to meet with their respective faculty supervisors when enrolling for courses.

Curriculum / Timetable

Course Requirements

Students in the Graduate School of Health and Sports Science Master of Science Program must earn a minimum total of 30 credits (10 Foundation Course credits and minimum 20 Specialized Course credits) and submit a Master’s dissertation under the guidance of their faculty supervisor, after which they must pass a thesis defense and final examination. Students must also seek the guidance of their faculty supervisor before proceeding with course selection.

Minimum total of 30 credits (Breakdown)

Foundation Courses (10 credits):
Foundation Courses (6 credits) + Sportology (Professional Foundation) Courses (minimum 4 credits)

Specialized Courses (minimum 20 credits)
Minimum 20 credits including those from Professional Application Courses (minimum 4 credits), Health and Physical Education Pedagogy Courses (*elective courses in the first instance, but compulsory for students seeking to obtain a specialization license, Common Courses (minimum 2 credits), and Specialized Courses (6 credits)

Ex=Experiments / Training


Class Name Course
Credits Class Format

English Support ※8

Co El Le Pr Ex
Foundation Courses※1

Basic and Applied Research Paper Seminar   1・2 2

Introduction to Sportology  1・2 2

Coaching and Sports Organization 1・2 2

Sportology Courses
(Professional Foundation
Courses) ※2
Sports medicine
[Internal medicine / Motor Systems] ※


Sports Physiology 1・2 2
Sports Biomechanics 1・2 2
Sports Nutrition 1・2 2
Theory of Athletic Training 1・2 2
Sports Statistics
[Sports Statistics / Sports Statistics (Social Statistics)] ※
1・2 2
Sports Psychology 1・2 2
Sports Sociology 1・2 2
Sports as InternationalCulture 1・2 2
Mental Health 1・2 2
Environmental Health Science 1・2 2
Health Promotion 1・2 2
A Coaching and Method
(Metrical Sports [Athletics / Swimming]) ※    
1・2 2
Coaching and Method
(Expressive Sports [Gymnastics / Dance]) ※
1・2 2
Coaching and Method (Ball Sports)  1・2 2
Coaching and Method (Martial Arts) 1・2 2
Sports Movement and Behavior 1・2 2
Sports Associations Practicum 1・2 2
Coaching Practicum 1・2 2
Sports Facility Practicum 1・2 2
B Organizational Development in Sports  1・2 2
Lifelong Sports: An International Perspective     1・2 2
Theory of Sports Management 1・2 2
Theory of International Sporting Events 1・2 2
Practicum on Sports Administration 1・2 2
Practicum on the Sports Industry 1・2 2
Practicum on the Leisure-time Industry 1・2 2
C The Disabled and Special Needs Education 1・2 2
Theory of Sports for the Disabled 1・2 2
Theory of Teaching Healthy Exercise 1・2 2
Clinical Psychology 1・2 2
Practicum on Health, Welfare and Government     1・2 2
Health Industry Practicum 1・2 2
Health Education Practicum 1・2 2
Health and
Physical Education
Theory of Health and Physical Education
1・2 2
Health Education 1・2 2
Sports Pedagogy 1・2 2
Practicum on Teaching Technique and Materials Development  1・2 4
English Special Seminar on Health and
Sports Science
1・2 2
Sportology Practical English 1・2 2
Epidemiology for Sport and Health 1・2 2
Sportology Lecture Series     1・2 2
Practicum on Health and Sports Science 1・2 2
International Exchange Practicum 1・2 2


Research Methods on Health and Sports
Science (Theory) 
1・2 4 〇※9
Research Methods on Health and Sports
Science (Practice) 
1・2 2 〇※9


Class Name Course
Credits Class Format

English Support ※8

Co El Le Pr Ex
Foundation Courses※1

Basic and Applied Research Paper Seminar   1・2 2

Introduction to Sportology  1・2 2

Coaching and Sports Organization 1・2 2

Sportology Courses
(Professional Foundation
Courses) ※2
Sports medicine
[Internal medicine / Motor Systems] ※


Sports Physiology 1・2 2
Sports Biomechanics 1・2 2
Sports Nutrition 1・2 2
Theory of Athletic Training 1・2 2
Sports Statistics
[Sports Statistics / Sports Statistics (Social Statistics)] ※
1・2 2
Sports Psychology 1・2 2
Sports Sociology 1・2 2
Sports as InternationalCulture 1・2 2
Mental Health 1・2 2
Environmental Health Science 1・2 2
Health Promotion 1・2 2
A Coaching and Method
(Metrical Sports [Athletics / Swimming]) ※    
1・2 2
Coaching and Method
(Expressive Sports [Gymnastics / Dance]) ※
1・2 2
Coaching and Method (Ball Sports)  1・2 2
Coaching and Method (Martial Arts) 1・2 2
Sports Movement and Behavior 1・2 2
High Performance Science 1・2 2
B Organizational Development in Sports  1・2 2
Lifelong Sports: An International Perspective     1・2 2
Theory of Sports Management 1・2 2
Theory of International Sporting Events 1・2 2
C The Disabled and Special Needs Education 1・2 2
Theory of Sports for the Disabled 1・2 2
Theory of Teaching Healthy Exercise 1・2 2
Clinical Psychology 1・2 2
Health and
Physical Education
Theory of Health and Physical Education
1・2 2
Health Education 1・2 2
Sports Pedagogy 1・2 2
Practicum on Teaching Technique and Materials Development  1・2 4
English Special Seminar on Health and
Sports Science
1・2 2
Sportology Practical English 1・2 2
Epidemiology for Sport and Health 1・2 2
Sportology Lecture Series     1・2 2
Practicum on Health and Sports Science 1・2 2


Research Methods on Health and Sports
Science (Theory) 
1・2 4 〇※9
Research Methods on Health and Sports
Science (Practice) 
1・2 2 〇※9

※1 6 Credits (Compulsory)
※2 Selections should include a minimum of 4 credits from among those in the Sportology Course Categories.
※3 Selections should include 4 credits from any one of the Professional Application Course Categories (A, B, or C)
※4 Selections should include 4 credits from any one of the Professional Application Course Categories (A, B, or C)
※5 Elective Courses (N.B. These are compulsory for students planning to seek to obtain a specialization license)
※6 Selections should include a minimum of 2 credits from the Common Course Category.
※7 6 credits (compulsory)
※8 The classes with the mark "○" include English support so that foreign students can attend them. 
※9 These classes are held by the supervisor for Master's thesis and availability of English support depends on the supervisor.
※ Students will enroll in either one of the courses listed in square brackets (credits will be awarded for enrolled course only).

Note that students are required to meet with their respective faculty supervisors when enrolling for courses.
Please refer here for a detailed timetable.
