医学研究科(修士課程) Global Health
Global Health 学位プログラム
The degree program of Global Health aims to foster human resources who work in educational and research institutions, government agencies, private sectors, international institutions in the public and global health world.
※This program is open to international students who enroll in the fall and take courses in English.
(Global Health Degree Programは、教育・研究機関、政府機関、民間企業、国際機関において、公衆衛生およびグローバルヘルスの世界で活躍する人材を育成することを目的としています。
Course Name (コース名) |
Public Health Course (公衆衛生学コース) |
Degree program name (学位プログラム名) |
Global Health Degree Program (Global Health 学位プログラム) |
Degree type (取得できる学位の種類) |
Master of Public Health (修士(公衆衛生学)) |
Selectable fields of education and research(選択可能な教育研究分野)
- グローバルヘルスリサーチ/ Global Health Research
医学研究科 医科学専攻 修士課程 グローバルヘルスリサーチ
Core Education Subjects(基礎教育科目)
Course Title (授業科目) |
Compulsory/Elective (必修/選択) |
Credits (単位数) |
Basic Epidemiology (基礎疫学) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Basic Bio-statistics (基礎生物統計学) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Environmental and Occupational Global Health (産業環境保健学概論(環境保健・産業保健)) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Global Health Behavioral Science (健康行動科学概論) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Global Health Policy and Management (医療保健福祉法・政策概論) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Global Health Ethics (医療倫理学) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Specialized Education Subjects(専門教育科目)
Course Title (授業科目) |
Compulsory/Elective (必修/選択) |
Credits (単位数) |
Global Health Ⅰ (グローバルヘルス特論Ⅰ) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Global Health Ⅱ (グローバルヘルス特論Ⅱ) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Global Health Field Study and Experiential Learning (グルーバルヘルス実地演習) |
Compulsory (必修) |
4 |
Global Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention (国際感染症学) |
Compulsory (必修) |
1 |
Global Maternal and Child Health (国際母子保健学) |
Compulsory (必修) |
1 |
Global Gerontology Policy (国際老年学) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Innovation and Development in Global health (グローバルヘルスにおける技術革新) |
Compulsory (必修) |
1 |
Global Health Project Design (グローバルヘルスにおけるプロジェクトデザイン) |
Compulsory (必修) |
1 |
Advanced Theory Subjects(特論科目)
Course Title (授業科目) |
Compulsory/Elective (必修/選択) |
Credits (単位数) |
Online Lectures on Global Health (グローバルヘルスオンライン講義) |
Compulsory (必修) |
1 |
Hands-on Analysis using STATA (STATAによる統計解析演習) |
Compulsory (必修) |
2 |
Research Training Subjects(研究指導科目)
Course Title (授業科目) |
Compulsory/Elective (必修/選択) |
Credits (単位数) |
Global Health Research Ⅰ (グローバルヘルス研究Ⅰ) |
Compulsory (必修) |
1 |
Global Health Research Ⅱ (グローバルヘルス研究Ⅱ) |
Compulsory (必修) |
4 |
Completion Requirements and Course Completion Methods(修了要件及び履修方法)
Students must acquire a total of 33 or more credits, including 11 credits from Core Education Subjects (required), 14 credits from Specialized Education Subjects (required), 3 credits from Advanced Theory Subjects (required), and 5 credits from Research Training Subjects, receive the necessary thesis guidance, and pass the master's thesis review andfinal examination conducted by the graduate school.