講座・研究室 乳腺腫瘍学講座 【乳腺腫瘍学】
〒113-8431 東京都文京区本郷3-1-3
電話 03-3813-3111(大代表) 内線5855
FAX 03-3813-3307
医局長:崔 賢美
乳がんは女性の壮年期の死亡原因のトップであり、日本女性9人に1人はかかるといわれ、 まだまだ増加傾向にあります。順天堂大学では時代のニーズに応えて、2006 年に大学附属病院として初めて乳腺センターを設立しました。乳腺センターでは患者さんを中心とした治療を実現するために、各関連の医療者が1か所に集うセンター方式をとりチーム医療を実現しています。乳腺疾患に対する内科外科を問わない集学的治療の研究・教育・診療を極める目標と実績が大学に認められ、乳腺内分泌外科研究室から2018年に乳腺腫瘍学講座となりました。乳癌診療は激動の中にあり、抗体療法や含めた薬物療法の進歩、遺伝性乳がん卵巣がん症候群の診断とリスク低減手術の導入、妊孕性の温存や乳房再建を含めたオンコプラスティクサージャリーの導入など、より専門性を求められる時代になりました。大学の支援を得て、多施設共同臨床試験の立案から計画・実施など次世代の治療開発、提案も行えるようになりました。教室はDiversity & Inclusionをモットーとしており、gender differenceを重んじるばかりでなく、教室員の中には大学院生の指導にあたる薬学系教員と研究者や、さらに2021年に講座内教授として着任された腫瘍内科医がおり、薬物療法の指導やレジメ登録、セカンドオピニオンや治験の充実も図っています。年間 500 例前後の乳がん症例とともに、遺伝相談、妊娠期乳がん、AYA世代の生殖医療や就労支援、乳房再建、再発治療、ACP(Advance care planning)、家族ケア(チャイルドケアを含む)の提供も充実させています。
- 乳腺腫瘍学領域(外科学、腫瘍内科学、オンコプラスティクサージャリー、疫学、予防医学、基礎研究、腫瘍遺伝学等)に関する理解を深め、同分野における医学の発展と将来のリーダーの育成に寄与するよう指導する。
- 研究技術の修得、実験計画の立案、臨床研究や基礎研究に対する科学的思考能力の養成、研究を行っていく能力の養成を目的とする。将来にわたって永続的に医学研究を続ける姿勢を身につけることで、未来の指導者としての礎となる充実した大学院とする。
乳腺専門医カリキュラムでは、基本的領域診療科(外科、産婦人科、内科、放射線科)の認定医または専門医であることが最初のステップとなっていることから、現状として、順天堂大学の外科専門医カリキュラムに従い臨床研修医2年と後期研修3年で日本外科学会専門医の取得を第一の目標とする。 その後は、個人のキャリアパスに合わせて大学院に進学後、学位の取得と並行してサブスペシャリティ領域である日本乳癌学会の乳腺専門医の取得を目標にします。さらに専門性を深める目的で、がん薬物療法専門医、遺伝性腫瘍専門医、オンコプラスティクサージャリー責任医師等の取得を目指します。専門医の取得だけを目標とするのではなく、大学院での基礎研究や国内外の留学経験を経て、多くの分野の人材と交流することで、教養深い将来の日本の乳腺診療のリーダーとなる人材を育てることを大切に考えています。
- スタッフ紹介
乳癌の診断と治療 がんの支持療法教授
乳腺腫瘍薬物療法渡邉 純一郎(わたなべ じゅんいちろう)
伝性腫瘍の遺伝カウンセリング、遺伝子診断新井 正美(あらい まさみ)
乳癌の診断と治療 治療インターフェイス准教授
専門分野清水 秀穂(しみず ひでお)
順天堂医院:乳腺科 医局長助教
専門分野岡崎 みさと(おかざき みさと)
順天堂医院:乳腺科 病棟医長経歴
専門分野佐々木 律子(ささき りつこ)
順天堂医院:乳腺科 外来医長経歴
専門分野尾関 理恵(おぜき りえ)
専門分野小林 ゆきの(こばやし ゆきの)
専門分野吉田 翼(よしだ つばさ)
専門分野石塚 由美子(いしづか ゆみこ)
専門分野安藤 美沙(あんどう みさ)
専門分野鹿内 彩菜(しかない あやな)
専門分野戸邉 綾貴子(とべ あきこ)
専門分野植木 優子(うえき ゆうこ)
専門分野杉野 麻帆(すぎの まほ)
専門分野野崎 由夏(のざき ゆか)
専門分野中井 克也(なかい かつや)
平成12年 山梨医科大学医学部卒業
専門分野堀本 義哉(ほりもと よしや)
専門分野魚森 俊喬(うおもり としたか)
専門分野菊池 弥寿子(きくち やすこ)
専門分野織畑 剛太郎(おりはた ごうたろう)
専門分野三浦 弘善(みうら ひろよし)
専門分野森 昌子(もり まさこ)
専門分野村上 郁(むらかみ ふみ)
専門分野神保 ひかり(じんぼ ひかり)
専門分野霞 富士雄(かすみ ふじお)
- 業績・主な著書・論文
- 令和2年(2020)
【原著(英文)】- Poudel S, Hirano S, Kurashima Y, Stefanidis D, Akiyama H, Eguchi S, Fukui T, Hagiwara M, Hashimoto D, Hida K, Izaki T, Iwase H, Kwamoto S, Otomo Y, Nagai E, Saito M, Takami H, Takeda Y, Toi M, Yamaue H, Yoshida M, Yoshida S, Kodera Y: A snapshot of surgical resident training in Japan: result of a national-level needs assessment survey. Surg Today 49:870-6, 2020
- YS Yap, J Chiu, Y Ito, T Ishikawa, T Aruga, Seung Jin Kim, T Toyama, T Saeki, M Saito, L Gounaris, F Su, Y Ji, Y Han, M Gazdoiu, N Masuda: Ribociclib, a CDK 4/6 inhibitor, plus endocrine therapy in Asian women with advanced breast cancer. Cancer Sci 111(9):3313-3326, 2020
- Nogami N, Nakai K, Horimoto Y, Mizushima A, Saito M: Factors affecting decisions regarding terminal care locations of patients with metastatic breast cancer. Am J Hosp Palliat Med 37(10):853-858, 2020
- Poudel S, Hirano S, Kurashima Y, Stefanidis D, Akiyama H, Eguchi S, Fukui T, Hagiwara M, Hashimoto D, Hida K, Izaki T, Iwase H, Kawamoto S, Otomo Y, Nagai E, Saito M, Takami H, Takeda Y, Toi M, Yamaue H, Yoshida M, Yoshida S, Kodera Y: Are graduating residents sufficiently competent? Results of a national gap analysis survey of program directors and graduating residents in Japan. Surg Today 50(9):995-1001, 2020
- Kawase K, Yamashita H, Iwase H, Akashi-Tanaka S, Iijima K, Ishida T, Takeishi Y, Tanaka F, Doihara H, Nakano S, Yamauchi H, Masuda S:Current conditions and issues of physicians and working conditions at institutions accredited by the Japanese Breast Cancer Society. Breast Cancer 27(2):159-165, 2020
- Kubo M, Kumamaru H, Isozumi U, Miyashita M, Nagahashi M, Kadoya T, Kojima Y, Aogi K, Hayashi N, Tamura K, Asaga S, Niikura N, Ogo E, Iijima K, Tanakura K, Yoshida M, Miyata H, Yamamoto Y, Imoto S, Jinno H: Annual report of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society registry for 2016. Breast Cancer 27(4):511-518, 2020
- Ogiya R, Niikura N, Kumamaru H, Takeuchi Y, Okamura T, Kinoshita T, K Aogi, Anan K, Iijima K, Ishida T, Iwamoto T, Kawai M, Kojima Y, Sakatani T, Sagara Y, Hayashi N, Masuoka H, Yoshida M, Miyata H, Tsuda H, Imoto S, Jinno H: Breast cancer survival among Japanese individuals and US residents of Japanese and other origins: a comparative registry- based study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 184(2):585-596, 2020
- Hayashi N, Kumamaru H, Isozumi U, Aogi K, Asaga S, Iijima K, Kadoya T, Kojima Y, Kubo M, Miyashita M, Miyata H, Nagahashi M, Niikura N, Ogo E, Tamura K, Tanakura K, YamamotoY, Yoshida M, Imoto S, Hiromitsu J: Annual report of the Japanese Breast Cancer Registry for 2017: Breast Cancer 27(5):803-809, 2020
- Horimoto Y, Tanabe M: Intrinsic subtype distribution should vary according to institutions. Breast 54:349, 2020
- Kuroda K, Matsumura Y, Ikemoto Y, Segawa T, Hashimoto T, Fukuda J, Nakagawa K, Uchida T, Ochiai A, Horimoto Y, Arakawa A, Nojiri S, Itakura A, Sugiyama R: Analysis of the risk factors and treatment for repeated implantation failure: OPtimization of Thyroid function, IMmunity and Uterine Milieu (OPTIMUM) treatment strategy. Am J Reprod Immunol 2020 (in press) (doi: 10.1111/aji.13376)
- Murakami F, Tsuboi Y, Takahashi Y, Horimoto Y, Mogushi K, Ito T, Emi M, Matsubara D, Shibata T, Saito M, Murakami Y: Short somatic alterations at the site of copy number variation in breast cancer: Cancer Sci 112(1):444-453, 2021
- Sai S, Kim EH, Vares G, Suzuki M, Yu D, Horimoto Y, Hayashi M: Combination of Carbon-ion Beam and Dual Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, Lapatinib, Effectively Destroys HER2 positive Breast Cancer Stem-like Cells: Am J Cancer Res 10:2371-86, 2020
- Ishizuka Y, Horimoto Y, Nakamura M, Arakawa A, Fujita T, Iijima K, Saito M: Predictive factors for non-sentinel nodal metastasis in patients with sentinel lymph node-positive breast cancer: Anticancer Res 40:4405-12, 2020
- Horimoto Y, Sasahara N, Sasaki R, Hlaing MT, Sakaguchi A, Saeki H, Arakawa A, Himuro T, Saito M: High FOXA1 protein expression might predict late recurrence in patients with estrogen positive and HER2-negative breast cancer: Breast Cancer Res Treat 183:41-8, 2020
- Horimoto Y, Hlaing MT, Saeki H, Kitano S, Nakai K, Sasaki R, Kurisaki-Arakawa A, Arakawa A, Otsuji N, Matsuoka S, Tokuda E, Arai M, Saito M. Microsatellite instability and mismatch repair protein expressions in lymphocyte-predominant breast cancer. Cancer Sci 111:2647-54, 2020
- Watanabe J, Saito M, Horimoto Y, Nakamoto S: A maintained absolute lymphocyte count predicts the overall survival benefit from eribulin therapy, including eribulin re-administration, in HER2-negative advanced breast cancer patients: A single institutional experience. Breast Cancer Res Treat 181:211-20, 2020
- Hayward S, Gachehiladze M, Badr N, Andrijes R, Molostvov G, Paniushkina L, Sopikova B, Slobodová Z, Mgebrishvili G, Sharma N, Horimoto Y, Burg D, Robertson G, Hanby A, F Hoar, D Rea, BL Eckhardt, NT Ueno, I Nazarenko, Heather M. Long, Steven van Laere, Abeer M. Shaaban, F Berditchevski: The CD151-midkine pathway regulates the immune microenvironment in inflammatory breast cancer. J Pathol 251:63-73, 2020
- Nakamuraa M, Ishizuka Y, Horimoto Y , Shiraishi A, Arakawa A, Yanagisawa N, Iijima K, Saito M: Clinicopathological features of breast cancer without mammographic findings suggesting malignancy: Breast 54:335-342, 2020
- Myojin M, Horimoto Y, Ito M, Kitano S, Ishizuka Y, Sasaki R, Uomori T, Himuro T, Murakami F, Nakai N, Iijima K, Saito M: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and histological type might predict clinical responses to eriburin-based treatment in patients with metastatic breast cancer: Breast Cancer 27(4):732-738, 2020
- Shimano H, Miyazaki S, Miura K, Ohtsu H, Yonemoto N, Matsuoka K, Konishi H, Daida H, Saito M, Sase K: Risk Profiling of Cancer Treatment-Related Cardiovascular Disorders in Breast Cancer Patients Who Received Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Trastuzumab: Circ Rep 2 (4):235-242, 2020
- Yoshida-Ichikawa Y, Horimoto Y, Shikama N, Yanagisawa N, Koyanagi A, Arakawa A, Saito M, Karasawa K: Ipsilateral breast tumor control following hypofractionated and conventional fractionated whole-breast irradiation for early breast cancer a long-term follow-up. Breast Cancer: 27 July 2020
- Furuya H, Hayashi K, Shimizu Y, Kim N, Tsukikawa Y, Chen R, Sun Y, Chan OTM, Pagano I, Peres R, Hokutan K, Igari F, Chan KS, Rosser CJ. J: Plasminogen activator inhibitor-2(PAI-2) Overexpression supports bladder cancer development in PAI-1knockout mice in N-Butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine-induced bladder cancer mouse model. Transl Med 18(1):57, 2020
- Komoda M, Yamaguchi S, Takahashi K, Yanase K, Umezawa M, Miyajima A, Yoshimasu T, Sato E, Ozeki R, Ishii N: Efficacy and safety of a combination regimen of phenothrin and ivermectin lotion in patients with head lice in Okinawa, Japan. J Dermatol 47(7):720-727, 2020
- Higashi N, Irimura T, Nakajima M: Heparanase is Involved in Leukocyte Migration. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1221:435-444, 2020
- Nakano K, Kawachi H, Chino A, Kita M , Arai M, Ide D, Saito S , Yoshimizu S, Horiuchi Y, Ishiyama A, Yoshio T , Hirasawa T, Tsuchida T, Fujisaki J: Phenotypic variations of gastric neoplasms in familial adenomatous polyposis are associated with the endoscopic status of atrophic gastritis. Dig Endosc 64(12): 547-556, 2020
- Masuzawa K, Asakura T, Ikemura S, Yasuda H , Kawada I , Takaoka S, Hayashi Y , Nakajima T, Arai M , Fukunaga K , Soejima K: Long-Lasting Response to Nivolumab for a Patient With Lynch Syndrome-Associated Lung Adenocarcinoma. JCO Precis Oncol 4:74-78, 2020
- Arai M:Recent Advances in the Treatment of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Japan -Elucidation of Clinical and Pathological Characteristics, Establishment of a Nation- wide Registration System, and Improvement of Clinical Practice. Juntendo Med J 66(5):384-391, 2020.
- Okano M, Nomizu T, Tachibana K, Nagatsuka M, Matsuzaki M, Katagata N, Ohtake T, Yokoyama S, Arai M, Nakamura S: The relationship between BRCA-associated breast cancer and age factors: an analysis of the Japanese HBOC consortium database: J Hum Genet 66(3):307-314 Oct 12 2020.doi:10.1038/s10038-020-00849-y.
- Yoshimura A, Yokoyama S, Iwata H, takaiso N, Nomizu T, Arai M, Nakamura S: Incidence of contralateral and ipsilateral breast cancers and prognosis in BRCA1/2 pathogenic variant carriers based on the Japanese HBOC Consortium registration. J Hum Genet 2020 Oct 9. doi: 10.1038/s10038-020-00850-5.
- Inuzuka M, Watanabe C, Yokoyama S, Kuwayama T, Akashi-Tanaka S, Arai M, Nakamura S: Registration Committee of the Japanese HBOC consortium. A Retrospective Analysis of the Relationship between the Result of BRCA1/2 Genetic Testing and Surgical Method Selection in Japan. Clin Breast Cancer 21:e48-e52, 2020
- Mitamura T, Sekine M, Arai M, Shibata Y, Kato M, Yokoyama S, Yamashita H, Watari H, Yabe I, Nomura H, Enomoto T, Nakamura S: Registration Committee of the Japanese HBOC Consortium. Risk factors for lymph node metastasis of ovarian, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome. Jpn J Clin Oncol 50(12):1380-1385, 2020
- Kaneyasu T, Mori S, Yamauchi H, Ohsumi S, Ohno S, Aoki D, Baba S, Kawano J, Miki Y, Matsumoto N, Nagasaki M, Yoshida R, Akashi-Tanaka S, Iwase T, Kitagawa D, Masuda K, Hirasawa A, Arai M, Takei J, Ide Y, Gotoh O, Yaguchi N, Nishi M, Kaneko K, Matsuyama Y, Okawa M, Suzuki M, Nezu A, Yokoyama S, Amino S, Inuzuka M, Noda T, Nakamura S: Prevalence of disease-causing genes in Japanese patients with BRCA1/2-wildtype hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome. NPJ Breast Cancer 6:25, 2020
- Semba R, Horimoto Y, Arakawa A, Edahiro Y, Takaku T, Iijima K, Saito M: Difficulty diagnosing a brain tumor during clinical maintenance of a complete response to anti-HER2 treatments for metastatic breast cancer: A case report. Case Rep Oncol 13:1311-6, 2020
- Ishizuka Y, Horimoto Y, Onagi H, Arakawa A, Saito M: Microsatellite-stable Radiation-induced Angiosarcoma after Breast Conserving: Surgery: A Case Report. Case Rep Oncol 13:1275-80, 2020
- Ishizuka Y, Horimoto Y, Fujimura J, Ogata K, Murakami F, Onagi H, Arakawa A, Saito M: Primary breast non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a 14-year-old girl: a case report. Surg Case Rep 6:87, 2020
- 佐々木律子、堀本義哉、仙波遼子、村上郁、新井正美、齊藤光江:70歳代の遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群患者に対側リスク低減乳房切除を施行した一例:遺伝性腫瘍 第20巻 第3号、p52-55,2020
- 令和1年(2019)
原著論文 【原著(英文)】
- Taguchi R, Okude Y, Saito M: What causes patients with breast cancer to change employment? : evidence from the health insurance data in a medical facility. Ind Health. 57:29-39, 2019
- Karasawa K, Omatsu T, Arakawa A, Yamamoto N, Ishikawa T, Saito M, Fukuda S, Kamada T: the Working Group for Breast Cancer: A Phase I clinical trial of carbon ion radiotherapy for Stage I breast cancer: clinical and Pathological evolution. J Rad Res. 60:342-7, 2019
- Watanabe A, Yagata H, Saito M, Okada H, Yajima T, Tamai N, Yoshida Y, Takayama T, Imai H, Nozawa K, Sangai T, Yoshimura A, Hasegawa Y, Yamaguchi T, Shimozuma K, Ohashi Y: A multicenter survey of temporal changes in chemotherapy-induced hair loss in breast cancer patients. PLoS One. 14:e0208118, 2019
- Miyashita M, Niikura N, Kumamaru H, Miyata H, Iwamoto T, Kawai M, Anan K, Hayashi N, Aogi K, Ishida T, Masuoka H, Iijima K, Masuda S, Tsugawa K, Koshita T, Tsuda H, Nakamura S, Tokuda Y: Role of postmastectomy radiotherapy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients: a study from the Japanese Breast Cancer Registry. Ann Surg Oncol. 26:2475-85, 2019
- Nakai K, Horimoto Y, Semba R, Arakawa S, Saito M: Pathological and radiological assessments of Paget’s disease. Ann Breast Surg. 3:11, 2019
- Horimoto Y, Terao T, Tsutsumi Y, Tanabe M, Mogushi K, Hlaing MT, Sasaki R, Saeki H, Okazaki M, Sonoue H, Arakawa A, Saito M: Estrogen receptor-positive ductal carcinoma in situ frequently overexpresses HER2 protein without gene amplification. Am J Surg Pathol. 43:1221-8, 2019
- Saeki H, Hlaing MT, Horimoto Y, Kajino K, Ohtsuji N, Fujino K, Terao Y, Hino O: Usefulness of immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair protein and microsatellite instability examination in adenocarcinoma and background endometrium of sporadic endometrial cancer cases. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 45:2037-42, 2019
- Miyoshi Y, Shien T, Ogiya A, Ishida N, Yamazaki K, Horii R, Horimoto Y, Masuda N, Yasojima H, Inao T, Osako T, Takahashi M, Tomioka N, Wanifuchi-Endo Y, Hosoda M, Doihara H, Yamashita H: Associations in tumor infiltrating lymphocytes between clinicopathological factors and clinical outcomes in estrogen receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 negative breast cancer. Oncol Lett. 17:2177-86, 2019
- Ito M, Horimoto Y, Tokuda E, Murakami F, Uomori T, Himuro T, Nakai K, Orihata G, Iijima K, Saito M: Impact of circulating tumour cells on survival of eribulin-treated patients with metastatic breast cancer. Med Oncol. 36:89, 2019
- Uomori T, Horimoto Y, Arakawa A, Iijima K, Saito M: Breast Cancer in Lean Postmenopausal Women Might Have Specific Pathological Features. In Vivo. 33:483-7, 2019
- Nomura H, Sekine M, Yokoyama S, Arai M, Enomoto T, Takeshima N, Nakamura S: Clinical background and outcomes of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy for hereditary breast and ovarian cancers in Japan. Int J Clin Oncol. 24:1105-10, 2019
- Yoshida R, Watanabe C, Yokoyama S, Inuzuka M, Yotsumoto J, Arai M, Nakamura S: Registration Committee of the Japanese HBOC Consortium. Analysis of clinical characteristics of breast cancer patients with the Japanese founder mutation BRCA1 L63X. Oncotarget 10: 3276-84, 2019
- Shimada S, Yoshida R, Nakashima E, Kitagawa D, Gomi N, Horii R, Takeuchi S, Ashihara Y, Kita M, Akiyama F, Ohno S, Saito M, Arai M: Five screening-detected breast cancer cases in initially disease-free BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Breast Cancer. 26: 846-51, 2019
- Nakano K, Kawachi H, Chino S, Kita M, Arai M, Ide D, Saito S, Yoshimizu S, Yusuke Horiuchi Y, Ishiyama A, Yoshio T, Hirasawa T, Tsuchida T, Fujisaki J: Phenotypic variations of gastric neoplasms in familial adenomatous polyposis are associated with the endoscopic status of atrophic gastritis. Dig Endosc. 2 doi: 10.1111/den.13512 2019
- Kanemaru K, Noguchi E, Tahara-Hanaoka S, Mizuno S, Tateno H, Denda-Nagai K, Irimura T, Matsuda H, Sugiyama F, Takahashi S, Shibuya K, Shibuya A: Clec10a regulates mite-induced dermatitis. Sci Immunol. 4: eaax6908, 2019.
- Yoshimura Y, Denda-Nagai K, Takahashi Y, Nagashima I, Shimizu H, Kishimoto T, Noji M, Shichino S, Chiba Y, Irimura T: Products of chemoenzymatic synthesis representing MUC1 tandem repeat unit with T-, ST- or STn-antigen revealed distinct specificities of anti-MUC1 antibodies. Sci Rep. 9:16641, 2019
- Higashi N, Maeda R, Sesoko N, Isono M, Ishikawa S, Tani Y, Takahashi K, Oku T, Higashi K, Onishi S, Nakajima M, Irimura T: Chondroitin sulfate E blocks enzymatic action of heparanase and heparanase-induced cellular responses. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 520:152-8, 2019
- Yoshimoto T, Matsubara D, Soda M, Ueno T, Amano Y, Kihara A, Sakatani T, Nakano T, Shibano T, Endo S, Hagiwara K, Fukayama M, Denda-Nagai K, Irimura T, Mano H, Niki T: Mucin 21 is a key molecule involved in the incohesive growth pattern in lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Sci. 110:3006-11, 2019
- Matsumura M, Okudera K, Nakashima Y, Mitsui H, Denda-Nagai K, Suzuki T, Arai H, Umeda S, Tateishi Y, Koike C, Kataoka T, Irimura T, Ohashi K: Specific expression of MUC21 in micropapillary elements of lung adenocarcinomas- Implications for the progression of EGFR-mutated lung adenocarcinomas. PLoS One. 14: e0215237, 2019
- 齊藤光江:6.がん薬物療法における支持療法 嘔吐剤,泌尿器科薬物療法 泌尿器外科vol.32特別号,p148-152,4月30日,2019
- 水野樹、齊藤光江、花岡一雄:clinic pain after breast surgery: A prospective, observational study,ペインクリニック,vol.40, No2, p269,2月,2019
- 水野樹、齊藤光江、花岡一雄:Analgesic effect of double-level retrolaminar paravertebral brock for breast cancer surgery in the early postoperative period : A placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, ペインクリニック, vol.40, No.6,p848, 6月,2019
- 齊藤光江:薬剤師によるアカデミック・ディテーリングへの期待:2019 The Pharmaceutical Society of JAPAN , YAKUGAKU ZASSHI vol.139, No.8, p1081-1083, 1月10日,2019
- 新井正美:癌の遺伝カウンセリング,臨牀消化器内科,34(6):p596-605,2019.
- 新井正美:MSI-H患者への遺伝カウンセリング.JGOG Newsletter 28(1):p6-8, 2019.
- 新井正美:家族性婦人科腫瘍の遺伝カウンセリング. 産科婦人科臨床 女性ヘルスケア.中山書店, p349-365, 2019
- 平成30年(2018)
【原著(英文)】- Watanabe T, Yagata H, Saito M, Okada H, Yajima T, Tamai N, Yoshida Y, Takayama T, Imai H, Nozawa K, Sangai T, Yoshimura A, Hasegawa Y, Yamaguchi T, Shimozuma K, Ohashi Y: A multricenter survey of temporal changes in chemotherapy-induced hair loss in breast cancer patients. PLoS One. 14(1):e0208118,2018
- Nakai K, Xia W, Liao HW, Saito M, Hung MC, Yamaguchi H :The role of PRMT1 in EGFR methylation and signaling in MDA-MB-468 triple-negative breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer. 25(1):74-80, 2018
- Yamaguchi H, Du Y, Nakai K, Ding M, Chang SS, Hsu JL, Yao J, Wei Y, Nie L, Jiao S, Chang WC, Chen CH, Yu Y, Hortobagyi GN, Hung MC: EZH2 contributes to the response to PARP inhibitors through its PARP-mediated poly-ADP ribosylation in breast cancer. Oncogene. 37(2): 208-217, 2018
- Horimoto, Tokuda E, Murakami F, Uomori T, Himuro T, Nakai K, Orihata G, Iijima K, Togo S, Shimizu H and Saito M: Analysis of circulating tumour cell and the epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) status during eribulin-based treatment in 22 patients with metastatic breast cancer: a pilot study. J Transl Med. 16:287, 2018
- Horimoto Y, Tanabe M, Kazuno S, Miura Y, Mogushi K, Sonoue H, Arakawa A, Kajino K, Kobayashi T, Saito M: Elucidation of inhibitory effects on metastatic sentinel lymph nodes of breast cancer during One-Step Nucleic Acid Amplification. Sci Rep. 8:7563, 2018
- Okazaki M, Horimoto M, Tanabe M, Ichikawa Y, Tokuda E, Arakawa A, Kobayashi T, Saito M: Predictive markers for efficacy of everolimus plus exemestane in patients with luminal HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer. Med Oncol. 35:48, 2018
- Horimoto Y, Hirashima T, Arakawa A, Miura H and Saito M: Metastatic colonic and gastric polyps from breast cancer resembling hyperplastic polyps. Surg Case Rep. 4:23, 2018
- Sasaki R, Horimoto Y, Mizuno J, Edahiro Y, Ohmori T, Komatsu N, Saito M: Administration of plasma-derived coagulation factor VIII during the perioperative period of mastectomy for breast cancer with acquired von Willebrand syndrome. Surg Case Rep. 4:118, 2018
- Yoshida-Ichikawa Y, Tanabe M, Tokuda E, Shimizu H, Horimoto Y, Miura K, Saito M: Overcoming the Adverse Effects of Everolimus to Achieve Maximum Efficacy in the Treatment of Inoperable Breast Cancer: A Review of 11 Cases at Our Hospital. Case Rep Oncol. 11:511-520, 2018
- 募集
医局長 崔 賢美
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E-mail breast@juntendo.ac.jp
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医局長:崔 賢美