Juntendo University, Tokyo, established in 1838.

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Juntendo University has become a sister institute of UTMDA

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 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDA), Juntendo University (JU) and RIKEN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on April 21, 2014 at Juntendo University. To develop the partnership under MOU, three institutions agreed to establish specific cancer research themes and initially focusing on small goals whose products may lead to greater degrees of success in the future. Joint symposiums, faculty exchanges, visits, and other forms of direct communication were viewed as the key steps necessary to initiate collaboration. We have produced several collaborative cancer research projects, education activities and faculty exchanges.
 Then, the Sister Institution Relationship Agreement between MD Anderson Cancer Center and Tokyo Oncology Consortium (Juntendo University, St. Luke’s International University, Keio University) has been signed on July 28, 2017. The main purpose of the agreement is to establish a partnership that promotes mutual exchange through Faculty exchange and development, and collaborative research, to develop clinical, educational, prevention, and research programs for the eradication of cancer.


Attended GAP 2019 conference,Houston, USA
Children at Juntendo University Hospital joined Space for Art Foundation project- Celebration of Earthrise
Attended Asian Cancer Conference 2018, Bangkok, Thailand (Photo)
Attended GAP 2018 conference, Stockholm Sweden
GAP 2019 conference,Houston, USA
Children at Juntendo University Hospital joined Space Suit Art Project : flied in International Space Station NASA Space Station PDF
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Contact address

Division of Glycobiologics, Intractable Disease Research Center,
Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
2-1-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8421, JAPAN
E-mail: glyco@juntendo.ac.jp, tabe@juntendo.ac.jp

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