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Department of Gastroenterology
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 Recent publications
  1. Matsumoto K�CNagahara A�CTerai T�CUeyama H�CRitsuno H�CMori H�CNakae K�CBeppu K�CShibuya T�CSakamoto N�COsada T�COgihara T�CYao T�CWatanabe S�DEvaluation of new subclassification of type V�iI�j pit pattern for determining the depth and type of invasion of colorectal neoplasm�D
    J Gastroenterol�D2010 Aug 14�D[Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID�F 20711613�D
  2. Takahashi T�COtaka M�COdashima M�CTamaki K�CTakada M�CIzumi Y�CShibuya T�CSakamoto N�CItoh H�CWatanabe S�DCorrelation of heat shock protein expression to gender difference in development of stress-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats�DJ Clin Biochem Nutr�D2010 Jul�G47(1)�F 64-73�DEpub 2010 May 26�DPubMed PMID�F 20664733�G PubMed Central PMCID�F PMC2901766�D
  3. Beppu K�CNagahara A�CTerai T�CMatsumoto K�CShibuya T�CSakamoto N�COsada T�CKawabe M�COtaka M�COgihara T�CWatanabe S�DClinicopathological characteristics of colorectal cancer less than 10 mm in diameter and invading submucosa and below�DJ Gastroenterol Hepatol�D2010 May�G25 Suppl 1�FS57-61�DPubMed PMID�F 20586867�D
  4. Nagahara A�CAsaoka D�CHojo M�COguro M�CShimada Y�CIshikawa D�COsada T�CKawabe M�CYoshizawa T�COtaka M�CWatanabe S�DObservational comparative trial of the efficacy of proton pump inhibitors versus histamine-2 receptor antagonists for uninvestigated dyspepsia�DJ Gastroenterol Hepatol�D2010 May�G25 Suppl1�FS122-8�DPubMed PMID�F 20586853�D
  5. Fukuo Y�CShibuya T�CFukumura Y�CMizui T�CSai JK�CNagahara A�CTsukada A�CMatsumoto T�CSuyama M�CWatanabe S�DReactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the liver associated with primary biliary cirrhosis�DMed Sci Monit�D2010�G16(7)�FCS81-6�D PubMed PMID�F 20581780�D
  6. Shibuya T�COsada T�CMitomi H�CTakeda T�CNomura O�CNakayama H�CHidaka Y�CMori H�CBeppu K�CSakamoto N�CNagahara A�COtaka M�COgihara T�CYao T�CWatanabe S�DJejunal capillary hemangioma treated by using double-balloon endoscopy (with video)�DGastrointest Endosc�D2010 Sep�G72(3)�F660-1�DEpub 2010 May 23�DPubMed PMID�F 20546731�D
  7. Kon K�CIkejima K�COkumura K�CArai K�CAoyama T�CWatanabe S�DDiabetic KK-A(y) mice are highly susceptible to oxidative hepatocellular damage induced by acetaminophen�DAm J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol�D2010 Aug�G299(2)�FG329-37�DEpub 2010 Jun 10�DPubMed PMID�F 2053900�D
  8. Ueyama H�CYao T�CNakashima Y�CHirakawa K�COshiro Y�CHirahashi M�CIwashita A�CWatanabe S�DGastric adenocarcinoma of fundic gland type (chief cell predominant type)�F proposal for a new entity of gastric adenocarcinoma�DAm J Surg Pathol�D 2010 May�G34(5)�F609-19�DPubMed PMID�F 20410811�D
  9. Sai JK�CSuyama M�CKubokawa Y�CMatsumura Y�CInami K�CWatanabe S�CKirino E�DIdentification of cerebral response to balloon distention of the bile duct�DWorld J Gastroenterol�D2010 Apr 14�G16(14)�F1772-5�DPubMed PMID: 20380011�G PubMed Central PMCID�F PMC2852827�D
  10. Morimoto T�CFu KI�CKonuma H�CIzumi Y�CMatsuyama S�COgura K�CMiyazaki A�CWatanabe S�DPeeling a giant ileal lipoma with endoscopic unroofing and submucosal dissection�DWorld J Gastroenterol�D2010 Apr 7�G16(13)�F1676-9�DPubMed PMID�F 20355250�G PubMed Central PMCID�FPMC2848380�D
  11. Tamaki K�COtaka M�CSakamoto N�CMatsumoto K�CYamashina S�CWatanabe S�DAcute variceal bleeding in a patient with idiopathic myelofibrosis successfully treated with endoscopic variceal band ligation and chemotherapy�F a case report�DJ Med Case Reports�D2010 Jan 28�G4�F25�DPubMed PMID�F 20181038�G PubMed Central PMCID�FPMC2830976�D
  12. Takada M�COtaka M�CTakahashi T�CIzumi Y�CTamaki K�CShibuya T�CSakamoto N�COsada T�CYamamoto S�CIshida R�COdashima M�CItoh H�CWatanabe S�DOverexpression of a 60-kDa heat shock protein enhances cytoprotective function of small intestinal epithelial cells�DLife Sci�D2010 Mar 27�G86(13-14)�F499-504�DEpub 2010 Feb 14�DPubMed PMID�F20159025�D
  13. Inami K�CAbe M�CTakeda K�CHagiwara Y�CMaeda M�CSegawa T�CSuyama M�CWatanabe S�CHino O�DAntitumor activity of nti-C-ERC/mesothelin monoclonal antibody in vivo�DCancer Sci�D2010 Apr�G101(4)�F969-74�DEpub 2009 Dec 9�DPubMed PMID�F 20100205�D
  14. Otaka M�COdashima M�CTamaki K�CWatanabe S�DExpression and function of stress (heat shock) proteins in gastrointestinal tract�DInt J Hyperthermia�D2009 Dec�G25(8)�F634-40�DReview�DPubMed PMID�F20021224�D
  15. Sai JK�CSuyama M�CKubokawa Y�CMatsumura Y�CInami K�CWatanabe S�DEfficacy of camostat mesilate against dyspepsia associated with non-alcoholic mild pancreatic disease�DJ Gastroenterol�D2010 Mar�G45(3)�F335-41�DEpub 2009 Oct 30�DPubMed PMID�F19876587�D
  16. Beppu K�COsada T�CMatsumoto K�CShibuya T�CSakamoto N�CKawabe M�CNagahara A�COtaka M�COgihara T�CWatanabe S�D Gastrointestinal tuberculosis as a cause of massive bleeding�DMed Sci Monit�D2009 Oct�G15(10)�FCS151-154�DPubMed PMID�F 19789515�D
  17. Watanabe S�CEnomoto N�CKoike K�CIzumi N�CTakikawa H�CHashimoto E�CMoriyasu F�CKumada H�CImawari M�GPERFECT Study Group�DProlonged treatment with pegylated interferon alpha 2b plus ribavirin improves sustained virological response in chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 patients with late response in a clinical real-life setting in Japan�DHepatol Res�D2010 Feb�G40(2)�F135-44�DEpub 2009 Sep 25�DPubMed PMID�F 19788694�D
  18. Mizui T�CYamashina S�CTanida I�CTakei Y�CUeno T�CSakamoto N�CIkejima K�CKitamura T�CEnomoto N�CSakai T�CKominami E�CWatanabe S�DInhibition of hepatitis C virus replication by chloroquine targeting virus-associated autophagy�DJ Gastroenterol�D2010 Feb�G45(2)�F195-203�DEpub 2009 Sep 17�DPubMed PMID�F 19760134�D
  19. Sakamoto S�CFu K�CKobayashi O�CMatsuyama S�CMiyazaki A�COgura K�CWatanabe S�DSpontaneous complete regression of a rectal cancer�DEndoscopy�D2009 Oct�G41(10)�F910-2�DEpub 2009 Aug 14�DPubMed PMID�F 19685424�D
  20. Osada T�COhkusa T�CYokoyama T�CShibuya T�CSakamoto N�CBeppu K�CNagahara A�COtaka M�COgihara T�CWatanabe S�DComparison of several activity indices for the evaluation of endoscopic activity in UC�F inter- and intraobserver consistency�D Inflamm Bowel Dis�D2010 Feb�G16(2)�F192-7�DPubMed PMID�F 19575359�D
  21. Aoyama T�CIkejima K�CKon K�COkumura K�CArai K�CWatanabe S�DPioglitazone promotes survival and prevents hepatic regeneration failure after partial hepatectomy in obese and diabetic KK-A(y) mice�DHepatology�D2009 May�G49(5)�F1636-44�D PubMed PMID�F19205029�D
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