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Clinical Pathology
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Associate professor:Masafumi Suyama
Assistant professor: Yoshihiro Kubokawa, Jin Kan Sai
1. Research themes
We examine the diagnostic imaging of hepato-pancreato-biliary diseases, including ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, endoscopy, and angiography. We also examine molecular approaches to pancreaticobiliary cancer.

Our current research interests are as follows:
�i1�j Correlation between imaging and pathological findings of hetatocelluar carcinoma at an early stage.
�i2�j Blood flow analysis and differential diagnosis of various liver tumors using color Doppler imaging
�i3�j New method of radio frequency abulation and transarterial embolization of hepatocelluar carcinoma.
�i4�j Management of metastatic liver tumor by arterial infusion chemotherapy
�i5�j Clinicopathological findings of biliary tract carcinoma at an early stage
�i6�j Diagnosis of biliary tract carcinoma using endoscopic ultrasonography
�i7�j Visualization of fine structure of bilary tract using intraductal ultrasonography
�i8�j Percutaneous and endoscopic biliary dranage
�i9�j Clinicopathological finidngs of pancreatic carcinoma at an early stage
�i10�j Management of chronic pancreatitis
�i11�j Mechanism of severe acute pancreatitis
�i12�j Findings of pancreatoscopy and intraductal ultrasonography on various pancreatic diseases
�i13�j Functional imaging of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
�i14�j Clinicopathological findings of pre-cancerous lesion of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas
�i15�j Analysis of prognositic factor of hepato-pancreato-biliary cancer
�i16�j Genomic analysis of pancreato-biliary cancer
�i17�j Management of advanced pancreato-biliary cancer

Key Word:
  1. hepato-pancreato-biliary diseases
  2. diagnostic imaging
  3. interventional therapy
  4. pathological findings
1. Stuff
Associate professor: Masafumi Suyama
Assistant professor: Yoshihiro Kubokawa, Jin Kan Sai

2. instruct the researches of No (1) to (17).

3. The goal of the graduate course
�@1.�junderstand the significance of early diagnosis and therapy of cancer
�@2.�jexamine the correlation between imaging and pathological findings of diseases
�@3.�jimprove the prognosis and quality life of the patients having cancer
�@4.�jinvent the non-invasive therapy and prevent the therapeutic complication
�@5.�jhaving weekly conference, and joint conference with pathology and surgery

4. Get a specialist license of internal medicine, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal endoscopy, and ultrasonography.

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