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Department of Physiology(I)
Department of Neurophysiology(Graduate School of Medicine) | Japanese |  Index
�RProfessor&Chairman: Shigeru KITAZAWA
Associate Professor: Takanori UKA, Xiaofeng LU,
Visiting Associate Professor: Taizo NAKAZATO
Assistant Professor: Toshimitsu TAKAHASHI, Kenji YOSHIMI, Makoto WADA
 Medical School Education
Physiology is the branch of science concerned with the normal functions of living organisms. We take charge of neurophysiology, the physiology of the nervous systems.
 Lectures in Physiology
First year student (M1):
Reading the mind: application of noninvasive brain imaging Shigeru Kitazawa
Second year student (M2):
The neuronal origin of Jin (humanity) Shigeru Kitazawa
Occurrence, conduction and transmission of excitationMakoto Wada
Efferent (Sensory) nervesXiaofeng Lu
Third year student (M3):
This year, we offer a course of 27 lectures in neuroscience in collaboration with the department of anatomy (II), pharmacology, anesthesiology, neurology and psychiatry. Professor Kitazawa is the organizer of the course, termed as Zone F.
 Zone F lectures
1. IntroductionShigeru Kitazawa
2. Introduction to neuroanatomyMasako Nishizuka (Anatomy II)
3. Cerebrovascular circulation and cerebrospinal fluidTakao Okada (Physiology II)
4. Introduction to sensory systemsShigeru Kitazawa
5. Anatomy and physiology of the spinal cordTakanori Uka
6. Agents affecting the CNS-1Takashi Sakurai (Pharmacology)
7. Anatomy of the brain stemMasako Nishizuka (Anatomy II)
8. Physiology of the brain stemMakoto Wada
9. Agents affecting the CNS-2Takashi Sakurai (Pharmacology)
10. Pain overviewMasako Iseki (Anesthesiology)
11. Anatomy of the cerebral cortexMomoko Miyakawa (Anatomy II)
12. Introduction to motor systemsShigeru Kitazawa
13. Anatomy and physiology of the cerebellumShigeru Kitazawa
14. Anatomy and physiology of the basal gangliaKenji Yoshimi
15. Introduction to brain and spinal cord diseaseTakao Urabe (Neurology)
16. Sleep and brain wavesToshimitsu Takahashi
17. Agents affecting the CNS-3Takashi Sakurai (Pharmacology)
18. Olfaction and gustationShizuko Murakami (Anatomy II)
19. VisionTakanori Uka (Physiology 1)
20. Hearing and languageShigeru Kitazawa
21. Anatomy of the diencephalon and limbic systemTatsunori Seki (Anatomy II)
22. Physiology of the diencephalon and limbic systemShigeru Kitazawa
23. Agents affecting the CNS-4Takashi Sakurai (Pharmacology)
24. Disorders in the higher brain functionsTohru Ohnuma (Psychiatry)
25. Agents affecting the CNS-5Takashi Sakurai (Pharmacology)
26. Learning and memory-1Shigeru Kitazawa
27. Learning and memory-2Takanori Uka
Department of Neurophysiology(Graduate School of Medicine) | Japanese |  Index
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