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秋山 理(アキヤマ オサム)

研究テーマ 1: 脳腫瘍 2: 神経解剖学
研究業績(論文) 1: 脳腫瘍

Orbital Cavernous Hemangioma Presenting With Atypical Appearance Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49, 209¿212, 2009
②Delayed non-parenchymal cisternal abscess following surgical intervention for the treatment of an endodermal cyst: A case report Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery Volume 14, December 2018, Pages 56-58

2: 神経解剖学
① Microsurgical and endoscopic approaches to the pulvinar Dec 9, 2016 JNS
②Microsurgical anatomy of the maxillary artery for the EC-IC bypass.
Clinical Anatomy 2017
③Microsurgical anatomy and approaches around the lateral recess with special reference to entry into the pons. 2017 Nov. 17

④The Rhomboid Lip: Anatomy, Pathology, and Clinical Consideration in Neurosurgery. World Neurosurg. 2019 Mar;123:e252-e258.

研究者 教育活動