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青山 友則(アオヤマ トモノリ)

研究テーマ 肝組織修復機転、マクロファージおよび肝星細胞の活性化機序
研究業績(論文) 1) Paik YH, Kim J, Aoyama T, De Minicis S, Bataller R, Brenner DA.Role of NADPH oxidases in liver fibrosis. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014 Jun 10;20(17):2854-72.
2) Aoyama T, Paik YH, Watanabe S, Laleu B, Gaggini F, Fioraso-Cartier L, Molango S, Heitz F, Merlot C, Szyndralewiez C, Page P, Brenner DA. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase in experimental liver fibrosis: GKT137831 as a novel potential therapeutic agent.Hepatology. 2012 Dec;56(6):2316-27.
3) Meng F, Wang K, Aoyama T, Grivennikov SI, Paik Y, Scholten D, Cong M, Iwaisako K, Liu X, Zhang M, Osterreicher CH, Stickel F, Ley K, Brenner DA, Kisseleva T. Interleukin-17 signaling in inflammatory, Kupffer cells, and hepatic stellate cells exacerbates liver fibrosis in mice. Gastroenterology. 2012 Sep;143(3):765-76.
4) Aoyama T, Paik YH, Seki E. Toll-like receptor signaling and liver fibrosis. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2010;2010. pii: 192543. doi: 10.1155/2010/192543.
5) Aoyama T, Inokuchi S, Brenner DA, Seki E. CX3CL1-CX3CR1 interaction prevents carbon tetrachloride-induced liver inflammation and fibrosis in mice. Hepatology. 2010 Oct;52(4):1390-400.
6) Inokuchi S, Aoyama T, Miura K, Osterreicher CH, Kodama Y, Miyai K, Akira S, Brenner DA, Seki E. Disruption of TAK1 in hepatocytes causes hepatic injury, inflammation, fibrosis, and carcinogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jan 12;107(2):844-9.
7) Aoyama T, Ikejima K, Kon K, Okumura K, Arai K, Watanabe S.Pioglitazone promotes survival and prevents hepatic regeneration failure after partial hepatectomy in obese and diabetic KK-A(y) mice.Hepatology. 2009 May;49(5):1636-44.

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