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菅澤 佑介(スガサワ ユウスケ)

研究テーマ 麻酔科学
研究業績(論文) 英文
・Sugasawa Y, Yamaguchi K, Kumakura S, Murakami T, Kugimiya T, Suzuki K, Nagaoka I, Inada E: The effect of one-lung ventilation upon pulmonary inflammatory responses during lung resection. J Anesth 25: 170-177, 2011.

・Yamaguchi K, Sugasawa Y, Takeuchi K, Kugimiya T, Kumakura S, Iwanuma Y, Kajiyama Y, Tsurumaru M, Nagaoka I, Inada E: Effects of sivelestat on bronchial inflammatory responses after esophagectomy. Int J Mol Med 28: 187-192, 2011.

・Sugasawa Y, Yamaguchi K, Kumakura S, Murakami T, Suzuki K, Nagaoka I, Inada E: Effects of sevoflurane and propofol on pulmonary inflammatory responses during lung resection. J Anesth 26: 62-69, 2012.

・Kasagi Y, Hayashida M, Sugasawa Y, Kikuchi I, Yamaguchi K, Okutani R, Takeda S, Inada E: Antiemetic effect of naloxone in combination with dexamethasone and droperidol in patients undergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgery. J Anesth 27: 879-884, 2013.

・Sugasawa Y, Hayashida M, Yamaguchi K, Kajiyama Y, Inada E: Usefulness of stroke volume index obtained with the FloTrac / Vigileo system for the prediction of acute kidney injury after radical esophagectomy. Ann Surg Oncol 20: 3992-3998, 2013.

・Kumakura S, Yamaguchi K, Sugasawa Y, Murakami T, Kikuchi T, Inada E, Nagaoka I: Effects of nitrous oxide on the production of cytokines and chemokines by the airway epithelium during anesthesia with sevoflurane and propofol. Mol Med Rep 8: 1643-1648, 2013.

・Sugasawa Y, Hayashida M, Inada E: Discrete subaortic stenosis diagnosed intraoperatively. J Anesth 28: 311, 2014.

・Ando N, Sugasawa Y, Inoue R, Aosaki T, Miura M, Nishimura K: Effects of volatile anesthetic sevoflurane on tonic GABA currents in the mouse striatum during postnatal development. Eur J Neurosci 40: 3147-3157, 2014.

・Sugasawa Y: Effect of yokukansan, japanese herbal medicine, on phantom-limb pain. M.E.J.Anesth 23: 499-500, 2016.

・Ishibashi C, Hayashida M, Sugasawa Y, Yamaguchi K, Tomita N, Kajiyama Y, Inada E: Effects of dexmedetomidine on hemodynamics and respiration in intubated, spontaneously breathing patients after endoscopic submucosal dissection for cervical esophageal or pharyngeal cancer. J Anesth 30: 628–636, 2016.

・Yamamoto M, Hayashida M, Kakemizu-Watanabe M, Ando N, Mukaida H, Kawagoe I, Sugasawa Y, Inada E: B-type natriuretic peptide and hemoglobin are two major factors significantly associated with baseline cerebral oxygen saturation measured using the INVOS oximeter in patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 32: 187-196, 2018.

・Sugiyama Y, Iida H, Amaya F, Matsuo K, Matsuoka Y, Kojima K, Matsuno F, Hamaguchi T, Iseki M, Yamaguchi K, Takahashi Y, Hara A, Sugasawa Y, Kawamata M, Tanaka S, Inagaki Y, Otsuki A, Yamazaki M, Ito H: Prevalence of chronic postsurgical pain after thoracotomy and total knee arthroplasty: a retrospective multicenter study in Japan (Japanese Study Group of Subacute Postoperative Pain). J Anesth 32: 434-438, 2018.

・Sugasawa Y, Fukuda M, Ando N, Inoue R, Nakauchi S, Miura M, Nishimura K: Modulation of hyperpolarization-activated cation current Ih by volatile anesthetic sevoflurane in the mouse striatum during postnatal development. Neurosci Res 132: 8-16, 2018.

・Budelier MM, Cheng WWL, Chen ZW, Bracamontes JR, Sugasawa Y, Krishnan K, Mydock-McGrane L, Covey DF, Evers AS: Common binding sites for cholesterol and neurosteroids on a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids 1864: 128-136, 2019.

・Sugasawa Y, Bracamontes JR, Krishnan K, Covey DF, Reichert DE, Akk G, Chen Q, Tang P, Evers AS, Cheng WWL: The molecular determinants of neurosteroid binding in the GABA(A) receptor. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 192: 105383, 2019.

・Cheng WWL, Budelier MM, Sugasawa Y, Bergdoll L, Queralt-Martín M, Rosencrans W, Rostovtseva TK, Chen ZW, Abramson J, Krishnan K, Covey DF, Whitelegge JP, Evers AS: Multiple neurosteroid and cholesterol binding sites in voltage-dependent anion channel-1 determined by photo-affinity labeling. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids 1864: 1269-1279, 2019.

・Fukuda M, Ando N, Sugasawa Y, Inoue R, Nakauchi S, Miura M, Nishimura K: Volatile anesthetic sevoflurane pretreatment alleviates hypoxia-induced potentiation of excitatory inputs to striatal medium spiny neurons of mice. Eur J Neurosci 50: 3520-3530, 2019.

・Akk G, Germann AL, Sugasawa Y, Pierce SR, Evers AS, Steinbach JH: Enhancement of muscimol binding and gating by allosteric modulators of the GABAA receptor: relating occupancy to state functions. Mol Pharm 98: 303-313, 2020.

・Sugasawa Y, Cheng WWL, Bracamontes JR, Chen ZW, Wang L, Germann AL, Pierce SR, Senneff TC, Krishnan K, Reichert DE, Covey DF, Akk G, Evers AS: Site-specific effects of neurosteroids on GABAA receptor activation and desensitization. eLife 9: e55331, 2020.

・Germann AL, Pierce SR, Tateiwa H, Sugasawa Y, Reichert DE, Evers AS, Steinbach JH, Akk G: Intrasubunit and intersubunit steroid binding sites independently and additively mediate α1β2γ2L GABAA receptor potentiation by the endogenous neurosteroid allopregnanolone. Mol Pharm 100: 19-31, 2021.

・Krishnan K, Qian M, Feltes M, Chen ZW, Gale S, Wang L, Sugasawa Y, Reichert DE, Schaffer JE, Ory DS, Evers AS, Covey DF: Validation of trifluoromethylphenyl diazirine cholesterol analogues as cholesterol mimetics and photolabeling reagents. ACS Chem Biol 16: 1493-1507, 2021.

・Shin HR, Citron YR, Wang L, Tribouillard L, Goul CS, Stipp R, Sugasawa Y, Jain A, Samson N, Lim CY, Davis OB, Castaneda-Carpio D, Qian M, Nomura DK, Perera RM, Park E, Covey DF, Laplante M, Evers AS, Zoncu R: Lysosomal GPCR-like protein LYCHOS signals cholesterol sufficiency to mTORC1. Science 377: 1290-1298, 2022.

・和田精子, 大友一義, 沢田元太, 菅澤佑介, 三浦雅史, 中路重之, 菅原和夫, 大下喜子, 戸塚 学, 太田誠耕: 喫煙の肺癌に対する影響度の日米比較. 体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌 13: 152-158, 2004.

・大島正行, 青山和由, 榎本達也, 菅澤佑介, 蕨 謙吾, 稲田英一: 胎児横隔膜ヘルニアの帝王切開術に対するレミフェンタニル,プロポフォールによる全静脈麻酔. 日臨麻会誌 28: 787-791, 2008.

・榎本達也, 笠置益弘, 小薗祐紀, 齋藤貴幸, 齋藤愛子, 菅澤佑介, 菅波 史, 田中英文, 森島史織, 浅野峰子, 掛水真帆, 高橋良佳, 圓谷直子, 吉岡綾子, 渡邊朝香, 青山和由, 藤本鮎美, 工藤 治, 原 厚子, 吉川晶子, 赤澤年正, 山口敬介, 蕨 謙吾, 大島正行, 園田清次郎, 井関雅子, 西村欣也, 釘宮豊城, 稲田英一: Lipid Resuscitation. 臨床麻酔 32: 85-91, 2008.

・菅澤佑介, 山口敬介, 洪 景都, 榎本達也, 熊倉誠一郎, 釘宮豊城, 稲田英一: 羊水塞栓症により大量出血を来した帝王切開の麻酔経験. 麻酔 60: 91-95, 2011.

・渡邊朝香, 菅澤佑介, 掛水真帆, 青山和由, 赤澤年正, 稲田英一: 心臓隣接褐色細胞腫に虚血性心疾患を合併した症例に対する人工心肺下腫瘍切除術,および冠動脈バイパス術の麻酔経験. 麻酔 60: 1086-1089, 2011.

・角倉弘行, 水田菜々子, 竹元 葉, 伊藤陽介, 長澤さや, 村田佳菜子, 勝田陽介, 杉田 萌, 大津千知, 河内山宰, 保利直助, 本間裕之, 片岡久実, 斎藤理恵, 若林彩子, 菅澤佑介, 榎本達也, 高橋良佳, 長谷川理恵, 掛水真帆, 山本牧子, 工藤 治, 川越いづみ, 原 厚子, 竹内和世, 赤澤年正, 山口敬介, 井関雅子, 林田眞和, 西村欣也, 佐藤大三, 稲田英一: 硬膜外麻酔による無痛分娩中の母体発熱. 臨床麻酔 38: 1343-1348, 2014.

・菅澤佑介, 榎本達也, 松本園子, 飯田史絵, 原 厚子, 光畑裕正: 加味帰脾湯の慢性痛に対する効果. 痛みと漢方 24: 52-56, 2014.

・菅澤佑介, 井関雅子: アセトアミノフェンの薬物相互作用. ペインクリニック 35: 375-384, 2014.

・菅澤佑介, 井関雅子: 末梢神経ブロック時に局所麻酔薬を混合する意義について. 臨床麻酔 39: 1555-1557, 2015.

・榎本達也, 杉田萌, 勝田陽介, 保利直助, 洪景都, 斎藤理恵, 長谷川理恵, 高橋良佳, 菅澤佑介, 山口敬介, 井関雅子, 稲田英一: 慢性痛患者の特性は抗うつ薬デュロキセチンの治療効果を予測できるか? 麻酔 65: 1005-1008, 2016.

・福田征孝, 菅澤佑介, 安藤望, 掛水真帆, 山本牧子, 西村欣也, 林田眞和, 稲田英一: 術後に高度徐脈を伴う心筋虚血を来し緊急冠動脈バイパス術を要した川崎病性冠動脈瘤縫縮術の麻酔経験. 日本心臓血管麻酔学会誌 21: 37-41, 2017.

・工藤治, 菅澤佑介, 井関雅子, 玉川隆夫, 千葉聡子, 林田眞和: 悪心・嘔吐対策のドロペリドールとせん妄・不穏に対するハロペリドールの投与により術後悪性症候群を呈した1症例. 麻酔 67: 647-650, 2018.

・福田征孝,安藤望,河内山宰,菅澤佑介,西村欣也: セボフルラン;虚血耐性獲得現象. 臨床麻酔 44: 295-306, 2020.

・菅澤佑介: GABA-A受容体の分子薬理学. 臨床麻酔 45: 1397-1405, 2021.

・菅澤佑介, 草野有佳里, 黒田唯, 須田汐織, 藤野隆史, 林愛, 山口愛, 新見奈央子, 福田征孝, 河内山宰, 工藤治, 石川晴士, 林田眞和, 川越いづみ. 麻酔科学領域におけるマグネシウムの臨床使用. 臨床麻酔 46: 1557-1562, 2022.

研究者 教育活動