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西田 友哉(ニシダ ユウヤ)

研究テーマ タンパク翻訳後修飾とその機能制御/オートファジー
研究業績(論文) Rardin MJ*, He W*, Nishida Y, Newman JC, Carrico C, Danielson SR, Guo A, Gut P, Sahu AK, Li B, Uppala R, Fitch M, Riiff T, Zhu L, Zhou J, Mulhern D, Stevens RD, Ilkayeva OR, Newgard CB, Jacobson MP, Hellerstein M, Goetzman ES, Gibson BW, Verdin E. (*equally contributed)
SIRT5 regulates the mitochondrial lysine succinylome and metabolic networks.
Cell Metabolism. 18:920-33, 2013.

Choudhary C, Weinert BT, Nishida Y, Verdin E, Mann M.
The growing landscape of lysine acetylation links metabolism and cell signalling.
Nature Review Molecular Cell Biology. 15:536-50, 2014

Honda S, Arakawa S, Nishida Y, Yamaguchi Y, Ishii E, Shimizu S.
Ulk1-mediated Atg5-independent macroautophagy mediates elimination of mitochondria from embryonic reticulocytes.
Nature Communications. 5:4004, 2014.

Nishida Y*, Rardin MJ*, Carrico C, He W, Sahu AK, Gut P, Najjar R, Fitch M, Hellerstein M, Gibson BW, Verdin E. (*equally contributed)
SIRT5 regulates both cytosolic and mitochondrial protein malonylation with glycolysis as a major target.
Molecular Cell. 59:321-32, 2015.

Role of Atg5-dependent cell death in the embryonic development of Bax/Bak double-knockout mice.
Arakawa S, Tsujioka M, Yoshida T, Tajima-Sakurai H, Nishida Y, Matsuoka Y, Yoshino I, Tsujimoto Y, Shimizu S.
Cell Death Differ. in press, 2017

Heterogeneity of autophagic status in pancreatic β cells under metabolic stress.
Kamitani M, Miyatsuka T, Miura M, Azuma K, Suzuki L, Himuro M, Katahira T, Nishida Y, Fujitani Y, Watada H.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 496(2):328-334. 2018

研究者 教育活動