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藤田 亮子(フジタ リョウコ)

研究テーマ 英語教育、リスニング、バックグラウンドノイズ
研究業績(論文) Kaku, M., Shiroyanagi, M., Mizuma, H., & Fujita, R. (2022).
Problem-Based Learning to Encourage Active Learning and Teamwork Among First Year Medical
Students - Student Reports in 2020 - What is the best response when listeners fail to hear
English correctly? (Course name: Listening Skills: Development and Assessment)
Juntendo Medical Journal, 68, 568-575

Oya,R., Shirataki, M., Matsumoto, S., Yamaguchi, R., & Fujita, R. (2022).
Problem-Based Learning to Encourage Active Learning and Teamwork Among First Year Medical
Students - Student Reports in 2021 - What is the best Western music to listen to when
studying? (Course name: Listening Skills: Development and Assessment)
Juntendo Medical Journal, 68, 576-581

Fujita, R. (2021). The Role of Speech-In-Noise in Japanese EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension Process and Their Use of Contextual Information. International Journal of Listening. DOI: 10.1080/10904018.2021.1963252

Hirai, A., Kondo, Y., & Fujita, R. (2021). Development of an Automated Speech Scoring System: A Comparison With Human Raters. Language Education & Teaching, 58, 17-41.

藤田亮子. (2021). 「授業外リスニング活動が日本人学習者のリスニング力に与える影響」『映像メディア英語教育研究』26, 73-86.

Fujita, R. (2020). The effects of listening instructions using materials with background noise on EFL learners’ listening abilities. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE), 31, 113-128.

Fujita, R. (2019). How Do TV–drama-based Materials Affect the Listening Abilities of EFL Learners With Different Proficiency Levels? The Association for Teaching English through Movies (ATEM), 24, 17-30.

Fujita, R. (2017). Effects of Speech Rate and Background Noise on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension of Different Types of Materials. The Journal of Asia TEFL,14, 638-653. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2017.

Fujita, R. (2017). Comparative Analyses of Films and Textbook Materials Focusing on the Speech Rate and the Readability. The Association for Teaching English through Movies (ATEM), 22, 71-84.

Neupane P, Fujita R & Kumari N (2017). English language learning and the use of articles by L1 speakers of Japanese. Studies in Foreign Language Education, 39, 129-140.

藤田亮子・横内裕一郎・松岡大地・仲村圭太・平井明代. (2016). 英検2級のテスト問題の分析:CEFRレベル、学習到達目標、波及効果の観点から. 関東甲信越英語教育学会誌(KATE journal), 30, 85-97.

Fujita, R. (2016). Effects of sentence predictability on EFL learners’ speech-in-noise recognition. English Language Assessment, 11, 9-23.

藤田亮子. (2015). 「バックグラウンドノイズがリスニング 理解度に与える影響の検証」. STEP (the Society for Testing English Proficiency) Bulletin, 27, 58-72.

藤田亮子. (2015). 「映画を使用した英語学習」に関する学習者の態度の質的研究. 白鴎大学教育学部論集, 9(2), 441-454.

Fujita, R. (2014). Influences of film on EFL learners’ listening abilities: focusing on the comparison between film- and textbook- based dictation practice. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE), 25, 95-110.

平井明代・藤田亮子・大木俊英. (2013). センターリスニングがもたらすリスニング学習意欲への影響:大学種別・入試形態・専攻ごとの分析に基づく考察. JACET Journal, 57, 59-81.

Hirai, A., Fujita, R., Ito, M., & O’ki, T. (2013). Washback of the center listening test on learners’ listening skills and attitudes. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE), 24, 77-92.

Fujita, R. (2012). Effects of passage difficulty on ESL learners’ listening strategies.
筑波英語教育, 33, 1-19.

Fujita, R. (2012). Learners’ listening strategy use when listening to authentic and inauthentic materials: based on listening strategy questionnaire. JLTA Journal, 15, 133-151.

平井明代・藤田亮子・伊藤牧子・松崎秀彰. (2012). 大学入試センターリスニングテスト導入による影響:高等学校・大学の熟達度テストの経年変化から。独立行政法人大学入試センターリステスト検証研究会. 24-38.

藤田亮子(2022) 「第7章 How pain affects the patient」マーセラス・二ーリー,浅野恵子,クレイ・バッセンジャー, デボラ・アン・グロウ, 藤田亮子, 並木有希, 田頭憲二, 藤倉ひとみ, 大野直子, アンドリュー・メイソン、監修:代田浩之「つたわる『ケア』のための英語」(pp.62-71)東京:南江堂.

藤田亮子・平井明代 (2018). 「第9章 質的分析」 平井明代 (編著), 『教育・心理・言語系研究のためのデータ分析―研究の幅を広げる統計手法』 (pp. 237-267) 東京:東京図書.

研究者 教育活動 researchmap(JST)