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三宅 優一郎(ミヤケ ユウイチロウ)

研究テーマ 小児外科学、小児泌尿器科学
研究業績(論文) 【英文原著】
1. Shibuya S, Miyake Y, Takamizawa S, Nishi E, Yoshizawa K, Hatata T, Yoshizawa K, Fujita K, Noguchi M, Ohata J, Hiroma T, Nakamura T, Kosho T: Safety and efficacy of noncardiac surgical procedures in the management of patients with trisomy 13: A single institution-based detailed clinical observation. Am J Med Genet A. 2018:176;1137-1144.

2. Hattori K, Takamizawa S, Miyake Y, Hatata T, Yoshizawa K, Furukawa T, Kondo Y: Preoperative sonographic evaluation of the defect size and the diaphragm rim in congenital diaphragmatic hernia - preliminary experience. Pediatr Radiol. 2018:48;1550-1555.

3. Saima T, Sato M, Miyake Y, Matsui H: Unknown mass on chest radiography: Morgagni hernia identified on ultrasonography. Pediatr Int. 2018:60;904-905.

4. Miyano G, Yazaki Y, Ochi T, Shibuya S, Miyake Y, Murakami H, Lane GJ, Koga H, Okazaki T, Yamataka A: Duhamel operation for Hirschsprung’s disease; laparoscopic modified Duhamel procedure with Z-shaped anastomosis. Ann Laparosc Endosc Surg 2018: 3; 96 1-5

5. Miyake Y, Koga H, Lane GJ, Yamataka A: Kidney structure and function in dilating vesicoureteral reflux patients with anorectal malformation. World Jnl Ped Surgery. 2019:3;e000088 1-5

6. Ikegami M, Miyano G, Nojiri S, Ochi T, Shibuya S, Yazaki Y, Nakamura H, Seo S, Arii R, Murakami H, Okawada M, Koga H, Nishimura E, Miyake Y, Lane GJ, Yanagisawa N, Yamataka A: Indications for nonoperative management of uncomplicated appendicitis in children: A prospective analysis at a single institution. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2020:30;70-75.

7. Shibuya S, Ochi T, Yazaki Y, Miyake Y, Takeda M, Ishii J, Lane GJ, Doi T, Yamataka A: Atypical rectoscrotal and rectoperineal fistula in male anorectal malformations: A case series of non-detaching strategies for preventing urethral injury. Pediatr Surg Int. 2020:36;845-841

8. Matsumoto Y, Koga H, Takahashi M, Suda K, Ochi T, Seo S, Miyano G, Miyake Y, Nakajima H, Yoshida S, Mikami T, Okazaki T, Hattori N, Yamataka A, Nakamura T: Defined serum-free culture of human infant small intestinal organoids with predetermined doses of Wnt3a and R-spondin1 from surgical specimens. Pediatr Surg Int. 2021 37;1543-1554

9. Koga H, Ochi T, Seo S, Miyake Y, Lane GJ, Yamataka A: Comparison of 2K and 4K imaging systems for laparoscopic repair of choledochal cyst in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2022 57; 235-238

10. Miyake Y, Seo S, Kataoka K, Ochi T, Miyano G, Koga H, Lane GJ, Nishimura K, Inada E, Yamataka A: Significant neonatal intraoperative cerebral and renal oxygen desaturation identified with near-infrared spectroscopy. Pediatr Surg Int. 2022 38; 737-742

11. Miyake Y, Ochi T, Yanashiro Y, Seo S, Miyano G, Koga H, Lane GJ, Kuwatsuru R, Yamataka A: Levator ani asymmetry and deviation in high-type anorectal malformation evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging. Pediatr Surg Int. 2022 38; 749-753

12. Koga H, Miyake Y, Yazaki Y, Ochi T, Seo S, Lane GJ, Yamataka A: Long-term outcomes of male imperforate anus with recto-urethral fistula: laparoscopy-assisted anorectoplasty versus posterior sagittal anorectoplasty. Pediatr Surg Int. 2022 38l; 761-768

13. Miyake Y, Fujiwara K, Kataoka K, Ochi T, Seo S, Koga H, Lane GJ, Nishimura K, Hayashida M, Yamataka A: Retroperitoneoscopic Surgery in Children Does Not Cause Pathological Desaturation in Cerebral/Renal Oxygenation on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Compared with Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2022 32; 1260-1264

14. Miyake Y, Lane GJ, Yamataka A: Embryology and anatomy of anorectal malformations. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2022 31; 15226

15. Miyake Y, Tse WH, Wang JQ, De Leon N, Mourin M, Aptekmann AO, Patel D, Yamataka A, Keijzer R: The effect of tracheal occlusion in congenital diaphragmatic hernia in the nitrofen rat lung explant model. Pediatr Surg Int. 2022 39; 61

16. Miyake Y, Lum Min SA, Yamataka A, Keijzer R: Educational and mental health outcomes in school-aged children with anorectal malformations: A case-control cohort study. J Pediatr Surg. 2023 58; 844-848

17. Miyake Y, Lum Min SA, Yamataka A, Keijzer R: The impact of intestinal atresia on educational and mental health outcomes in school‑aged children: A case–control cohort study. Pediatr Surg Int. 2023 39;86

研究者 教育活動