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研究テーマ English Education
研究業績(論文) Recent Books (2019-2023)

Teaching English at Japanese Universities: A New Handbook (editor) with Chris Carl Hale. London: Routledge, 2019. 226 p.

はじめてのTOEFLテスト完全対策, with Robert Hilke and 松谷偉弘, 旺文社 3訂, 2022, 264 pages.

完全攻略!TOEFL ITPテスト 模試4回分, with Robert Hilke and 藤井哲郎, ALC, 2022, 352 pages.

はじめて受けるTOEFL® ITP TEST総合対策 with Robert Hilke and 島崎 美登里, 語研、2023, 348 pages.

TOEFLテストスピーキング問題, with 島崎美登里 and Robert Hilke, 旺文社 3訂, 2023, 271 pages .

Recent Book Chapters (2019-2023)

“Teaching and Learning Vocabulary in the Japanese University,” with Charles Browne and Paul Nation. In Wadden and Hale Teaching English at Japanese Universities: A New Handbook. London: Routledge 2019. 84-96.

“The Landscape of Japanese Higher Education: An Introduction,” with Chris Carl Hale. In Wadden and Hale Teaching English at Japanese Universities: A New Handbook. London: Routledge 2019. 3-10

Book Chapter Introduction to "Nails that Still Don't Stick Up: Revisiting the Enigma of the Japanese College Classroom" by Fred E. Anderson, In Wadden and Hale Teaching English at Japanese Universities: A New Handbook. London: Routledge 2019. 125-126.

Book Chapter Introduction to "The Japanese University Teacher of English" by Asako Takaesu and Mikiko Suda. In Wadden and Hale Teaching English at Japanese Universities: A New Handbook. London: Routledge 2019. 165-166.

Recent Articles (2019-2023)

“Sleep, Exercise, and Peak Performance in the University,” with Elena Wadden. Mind, Brain, and Education SIG Think Tank Magazine. Volume 6, Issue 5. May 1, 2020. 21-29.

“Liberal Arts, First-Year English, and TOEFL: An Illustrative Case for Curricular Reform at Japanese Universities.” 順天堂グローバル教養論集 第六巻(2021)1–10 頁.

“Liberal Arts, TOEFL, and First-Year English Curriculum Reform: A Project in Progress,” with Sakae Onoda and Marcel Van Amelsvoort, 順天堂グローバル教養論集 第八巻(2023)33–46 頁.

“Building Essential Vocabulary in First-Year University English,” with Sakae Onoda, Marcel Van Amelsvoort, Toru Toyama, and Hiroaki Umehara, 順天堂グローバル教養論集 第八巻(2023)47–55 頁.

“Liberal Arts, First-Year English, and TOEFL: An Illustrative Case for Curricular Reform at Japanese Universities.” Forthcoming. Re-publication of original 2021 article, by request, in外国語外国文化研究(2023).

Recent Conference Presentations and Special Lectures

“Looking Forward: The Case for Adopting CLIL Curricula in Japanese Higher Ed.” With JP Mudryj, Emiko Matsumoto, Chris Carl Hale. PanSIG Conference. Kyoto Sangyo University. May 14, 2023.

“Liberal Arts East-West: Remembering the Past, Learning Toward the Future,” Program in Writing and Rhetoric, Stanford University, Thursday February 16, 2023.

“English for Liberal Arts and TOEFL: A New Curriculum for Universities.” With Marcel Van Amelsvoort, Sakae Onoda, Chris Carl Hale. JALT 48th Annual International Conference. Fukuoka International Conference Hall. Monday November 14th, 2022.

“Boosting the English Word Knowledge of Japanese University Learners: New Research on Vocabulary Size and Implications for Pedagogy.” With Bethany Lacy. JALT 48th Annual International Conference. Fukuoka International Conference Hall. Monday November 13, 2022.

“Filling the Significant Gaps in the English Word Knowledge of Japanese University Learners,” with Sakae Onoda, Marcel Van Amelsvoort, Toru Toyama, Hiroaki Umehara. JALT VocabSIG Symposium. Tokyo International University, October 29, 2022.

“Building a Strong Foundation of Academic Vocabulary for CLIL, Content-Based, and EMI Courses at Japanese Universities.” With Dan Ferreira and Emiko Matsumoto.
JALT VocabSIG Symposium, Tokyo International University, October 29, 2022.

“(Re)imagining Language Learning: A New Approach to Academic Vocabulary.” With Dan Ferreira. JALT PanSig Conference, Nagano University, Jul 10, 2022.

“(Re)imagining Language Learning: Liberal Arts and TOEFL in Japanese Higher Education.” With Chris Carl Hale, Dan Ferreira, Bethany Lacy, Hannah Martin and JP Mudryj. JALT PanSig Conference, Nagano University, Jul 9, 2022.

“Expanding Dimensions in ELT: A New Open-Source Global Academic Vocabulary Resource for EAP Teachers & Learners,” with Daniel Ferreira. CamTESOL, February 19, 2022.

“Building a Strong Foundation of Academic Vocabulary for University Learners, Autonomously, Collaboratively, and in the Classroom,” with Dan Ferreira, Emiko Matsumoto, and Chelsea Schwartz. JALT Vocab Sig 2021 Symposium December 4, 2021, Doshisha University, Kyoto

"Building a Strong Foundation of Academic Vocabulary for University Learners," with Daniel Ferreira and Marcel Van Amelsvoort. Nov 14, 2021, JALT 47th Annual International Conference.


“Addressing Japan’s International TOEFL Ranking with an ‘English for Liberal Arts’ Curricular Model for Colleges and Universities.” 2021-2024. Received for three-year curriculum development of first-year English in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts at Juntendo University. Kakenhi (科研費) 21k00714.

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