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和田 太(ワダ フトシ)

研究テーマ ロボット支援リハビリテーション、義肢装具
研究業績(論文) 1.英文(原著)
1. Nakamitsu S, Sagawa S, Miki K, Wada F, Nagaya K, Keil LC, Drummer C, Gerzer R, Greenleaf JE, Hong SK, Shiraki K: Effect of water temperature on diuresis-natriuresis.: AVP, ANP, and urodilatin during immersion in men. J Appl Physiol 77:1919-1925, 1994,

2.Wada F, Sagawa S, Miki K, Nagaya K, Nakamitsu S, Shiraki K, Greenleaf JE: Mechanism of thirst attenuation during head-out water immersion in men. Am J Physiol 268: R583-589, 1995,

3.Nagaya K, Wada F, Nakamitsu S, Sagawa S, Shiraki K: Responses of the circulatory system and muscle sympathetic nerve activity to head-down tilt in humans,Am J Physiol, 265:R1289-1294, 1995,

4.Ide M, Ogata H, Kobayashi M, Wada F: Muscle damage occurring in wheelchair sports people. Spinal Cord 35:234-237,1997,

5.Torii R, Sagawa S, Wada F, Nagaya K, Endo Y, Yamazaki F, Nakamura T, Claybaugh JR, Shiraki K: Mechanism for changes in vasopressin during acute exposure at 3 atm abs air. Am J Physiol 273: R259-264, 1997,

6.Sagawa S, Torii R, Nagaya K, Wada F, Endo Y, Shiraki K: Carotid baroreflex control of heart rate during acute exposure to simulated altitudes of 3,800 m and 4,300 m. Am J Physiol 273: R1219-1223, 1997,

7.Greenleaf JE, Shiraki K, Sagawa S, Miki K, Wada F, Nagaya K, Torii R, Keil LC: Is the Gauer-Henry reflex important for immersion diuresis in men?,Aviat Space Environ Med 70: 1201-1205, 1999,

8.Yamazaki F, Wada F, Nagaya K, Torii R, Endo Y, Sagawa S, Yamaguchi H, Mohri M, Lin YC, Shiraki K: Autonomic mechanisms of bradycardia during nitrox exposure at 3 atmospheres absolute in humans. Aviat Space Environ Med 74: 643-648, 2003,

9.Piao C, Yoshimoto N, Shitama H, Makino K, Wada F, Hachisuka K: Validity and reliability of the measurement of the quardriceps femoris muscle strength with a hand-held dynamometer on the affected side in hemiplegic patients. J UOEH 26, 1-11, 2004,

10.Makino K, Wada F, Hachisuka K, Yoshimoto N, Ohmine S: Speed and physiological cost index of hemiplegic patients pedaling a wheelchair with both legs. J Rehabil Med 37: 83-86, 2005,

11.Hachisuka K, Makino K, Wada F, Saeki S, Yoshimoto N, Arai M: Clinical application of carbon fibre reinforced plastic leg orthosis for polio survivors and its advantages and disadvantages. Prosthet Orthot Int 30: 129-135, 2006,

12.Chisaka H, Matsushima Y, Wada F, Saeki S, Hachisuka K:Dynamics of capsule swallowing by healthy young men and capsule transit time from the mouth to the stomach. Dysphagia 21: 275-279, 2006,

13.Hachisuka K, Makino K, Wada F, Saeki S, Yoshimoto N: Oxygen consumption, oxygen cost and physiological cost index in polio survivors: a comparison of walking without orthosis, with an ordinary or a carbon-fibre reinforced plastic knee-ankle-foot orthosis. J Rehabil Med 39: 646-650, 2007,

14.Ochi M, Makino K, Wada F, Saeki S, Hachisuka K: A walker with a device of partial suspension for patients with gait disturbance: body weight supported walker. J UOEH 31: 259-263, 2009,

15.Hachiya Y, Ogai H, Okazaki H, Fujisaki T, Uchida K, Oda S, Wada F, Mori K: Methods of collection of biological information for fatigue evaluation during visual display terminals (VDTs) operation. Electron Commun Jpn 93:47-57, 2010,

16.Kimura Y, Oshima K , Nakamoto Y , Ogata Y, Shitama H, Shiraisi J, Wada F, Hachisuaka K:Lower extremity local muscle oxygen kinetics during high intensity exercise in smokers and patients with COPD. Bulletin of Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University 9: 213-221, 2012,

17.Nakanishi Y, Watanabe T, Ikeda A, Wada F, Hachisuka K: Stabilizing transpelvic prosthetic socket for a patient with spinal cord injury sustaining right part. J UOEH, 34: 175-182, 2012,

18.Wada F, Nakanishi Y, Hachisuka K: Effects of gait-related imagery and mirror visual feedback on cortical activation during robot-assisted gait training, 2012 International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering 629-633 2012

19.Kimura Y, Takahashi M, Wada F, Hachisuka K: Differences in the peak cough flow among stroke patients with and without dysphagia. J UOEH 35: 9-16, 2013,

20.Yamamoto I, Inagawa N, Matsui M, Hachisuka K, Wada F, Hachisuka A: Research and development of compact wrist rehabilitation robot system. Biomed Mater Eng 24: 123-128, 2014,

21.Nakanishi Y, Wada F, Saeki S, Hachisuka K: Rapid changes in arousal states of healthy volunteers during robot-assisted gait training: a quantitative time-series electroencephalography study.J Neuroeng Rehabil,11 :59,2014,

22.Ochi M, Wada F, Saeki S, Hachisuka K: Gait training in subacute non-ambulatory stroke patients using a full weight-bearing gait-assistance robot: A prospective, randomized, open, blinded-endpoint trial. J Neurol Sci. 353:130-136, 2015,

23.Yamamoto I, Matsui M, Inagawa N, Hachisuka K, Wada F, Hachisuka A, Saeki S.
Development of wrist rehabilitation robot and interface system. Technol Health Care. 2015,

24.Dozono K, Hachisuka A, Wada F, Hachisuka K: Peripheral neuropathies in nonparetic upper extremities of stroke patients induced by excessive use of a walking device. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 24: 1841-1847, 2015,

25.Yoshikawa M, Nakanishi Y, Kawamura Y, Matsuo K, Saeki M, Wada F. Stress fracture of the navicular bone in a patient with cerebral palsy: a case report. J UOEH. 37:11-15, 2015,

26.Matsuda Y, Kubo T, Fujino Y, Matsuda S, Wada F, Sugita A: Relationship between depressive state and treatment characteristics of acute cervical spinal cord injury in Japan. J Epidemiol. 26: 30-35, 2016,

27.Matsugaki R, Akebi T, Shitama H, Wada F, Saeki S: Immediate effects of exercise intervention on cancer-related fatigue. J Phys Ther Sci. 30:262-265,2018,

28. Mizuno S, Wakabayashi H, Fujishima I, Kishima M, Itoda M, Yamakawa M, Wada F, Kato R, Furiya Y, Nishioka S, Momosaki R: Construction and Quality Evaluation of the Japanese Sarcopenic Dysphagia Database. J. Nutr. Health Aging , 2021

29.Mizuno S, Wakabayashi H, Yamakawa M , Wada F, Kato R, Furiya Y, Nishioka S, Momosaki R: Sarcopenia Is Associated with Fecal Incontinence in Patients with Dysphagia: Implication for Anal Sarcopenia. J. Nutr. Health Aging , 2021 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s12603-021-1711-6

30.Mizuno S, Wakabayashi H, Wada F: Rehabilitation nutrition for individuals with frailty, disability, sarcopenic dysphagia, or sarcopenic respiratory disability. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 25:29-36.2022

31.Ishiwatari M, Tani M, Isayama R, Honaga K, Hayakawa M, Takakura T, Tanuma A, Kurosu A, Hatori K, Wada F, Fujiwara T: Prediction of gait independence using the trunk impairment scale in patients with acute stroke. Ther Adv Neurol Disord 15: 1-9, 2022

32.Murakami Y, Honaga K, Kono H, Haruyama K, Yamaguchi T, Tani M, Isayama R, Takakura T, Tanuma A, Hatori K, Wada F, Fujiwara T: New Artificial Intelligence-Integrated Electromyography-Driven Robot Hand for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation of Patients With Stroke: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 37:290-306,2023

1.西川方夫,半田肇,山川弘保,和田太:内頚動脈内膜剥離手術後の予後を左右する因子についてー我々の経験より,脳卒中の外科, 20:50-54,1992

2.中村 健, 蜂須賀研二, 緒方甫, 和田太:中小企業における原職復帰と医療の関わり,日本災害医学会会誌, 46: 531-534,1998

3.中村 健, 和田太, 梅津祐一, 緒方甫: 脳卒中片麻痺患者における脊柱起立筋筋疲労の検討 表面筋電図周波数解析を用いた麻痺側及び非麻痺側間の比較,
リハビリテーション医学, 36: 195-198,1999

4.舌間秀雄, 大峯三郎, 木村美子, 長尾洋子, 吉本奈美, 賀好宏明, 和田太, 布施好史, 蜂須賀研二:私立医科大学病院における休日リハビリテーションの現状 アンケート調査による結果報告,日本私立医科大学理学療法学会誌, 20:32-34,2003

5.賀好宏明, 長尾洋子, 大峯三郎, 越智光宏, 和田太, 蜂須賀研二, 戸上英憲:片麻痺患者の下肢荷重に関する外側ウェッジの臨床効果,産業医科大学雑誌, 25:441-446, 2003

6. 木村美子, 長尾洋子, 賀好宏明, 大峯三郎, 舌間秀雄, 吉本奈美, 和田 太, 蜂須賀研二:喫煙者における漸増運動時の循環動態について,日本私立医科大学理学療法学会誌, 21:21-23, 2004

7.小田太士, 佐伯覚, 岩永勝, 岡崎哲也, 和田太, 蜂須賀研二:外傷性脳損傷者の社会生活に関する調査,日本職業・災害医学会会誌, 52: 335-340,2004

8.平田亮吉, 中元善太, 蜂須賀研二, 和田太, 牧野健一郎:下肢機能回復支援システム,バイオメカニズム学会誌, 30:205-210,2006

9.森俊子, 奈良聡一郎, 千坂洋己, 和田太, 蜂須賀研二:視床出血を生じた封入体筋炎の1例.リハビリテーション医学 43:310-314, 2006

10.平澤和子,和田太:低床ベッドでの清拭動作に作業姿勢が下肢・腰部に与える影響, 看護総合, 38:409-411, 2007

11.八谷百合子,大貝晴俊,岡崎浩子,藤崎丈詞,内田和彦,織田進,和田太,森晃爾:独立成分分析を利用したVDT入力作業時の疲労の評価, ITヘルスケア, 2:66-79, 2008

12.八谷百合子,大貝晴俊,岡崎浩子,藤崎丈詞,内田和彦,織田進,和田太,森晃爾:VDT入力作業における疲労評価のための生体情報収集,電気学会論文誌C, 128:45-54,2008

13.賀好宏明, 舌間秀雄, 木村美子, 中元洋子, 古田奈美, 本田香奈恵, 和田太, 蜂須賀研二:歩行支援ロボットとその臨床効果,産業医科大学雑誌, 31:207-218,2009

14.木村美子, 中河絵美, 中元洋子, 賀好宏明, 本田香奈恵, 舌間秀雄, 和田 太, 蜂須賀研二:嚥下障害のリスクを有する患者における咳嗽力と呼吸機能との関係,臨床理学療法研究 , 26:15-18, 2009

15.吉田秀樹, 中野正博, 行正徹, 牧野健一郎, 和田太:NIRSを使用した音声波の振幅包絡の変更と影響,バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌, 12:1-10, 2010

16.兼城勇子, 古田奈美, 牧野健一郎, 和田 太, 蜂須賀研二:カーボン製装具の製作状況・特徴および製作現場での産業医学的問題点 義肢装具士へのアンケート調査より,産業医科大学雑誌 , 33:231-236,2011

17.舌間秀雄, 明日 徹, 中元洋子, 木村美子, 和田太, 蜂須賀研二:急性期病院において理学療法士増員が患者動態におよぼす効果,産業医科大学雑誌 , 33:263-268,2011

18.和田親宗, 和田太, 杉村行信, 家永貴史, 木室義彦, 辻卓則, 蜂須賀研二:歩行訓練支援のための靴型無線情報取得装置の改良,電子情報通信学会論文誌, 95: 1499-1507,2012

19.梶木繁之, 藤田修之, 八谷百合子, 藤江美香, 上村秀彦, 和田太, 堤 明純:職場巡視結果を活用した医療機関における労働安全衛生リスクアセスメント自己チェックリストの開発,労働科学, 88:175-184, 2012

20.松垣竜太郎, 村上武史,明日 徹,舌間秀雄,小田太士,和田太,蜂須賀研二:懸垂式歩行器訓練によるパーキンソン患者の歩行能力の変化.理学療法福岡 26:85-89, 2013

21.副島慶輝, 齋藤健, 魚住武則, 和田太, 西澤茂:パーキンソン病の体幹姿勢異常に対する脊髄刺激療法の効果.機能的脳神経外科  52:125-129, 2013

22.松垣竜太郎, 明日徹, 舌間秀雄, 松嶋康之, 和田太, 佐伯覚: パーキンソン病患者における院内転倒予測因子の予備的検討 理学療法福岡28 70-74, 2015

23.長谷川三希子, 荒川玲子, 和田太, 齋藤加代子, 猪飼哲夫: 小児期発症脊髄性筋萎縮症患者における電動車椅子の実態調査 理学療法学 47 78-84, 2020

24.安達みちる、佐藤孝俊、安達拓、後藤圭介、圖師将也、中村花穂、 和田太、若林 秀隆、石黒久美子、七字美延、村上てるみ、近藤和泉、永田智、 石垣景子: 福山型先天性筋ジストロフィー患者における運動能力経時的変化 理学療法学 48 463-472. 2021

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