


        2003   東京大学大学院理学系研究科修了 博士(理学)
2003-2006   日本学術振興会特別研究員PD(於 立教大学理学部生命理学科)
2007-2009   理化学研究所ASI 基礎科学特別研究員
2010            同 研究員
2011-2013   早稲田大学高等研究所 助教
2014-2015   東京大学大学院理学系研究科 特任研究員 
2016            順天堂大学医学部熱帯医学・寄生虫病学講座 特任研究員
2016.07-      同 助教


2016 平成28年度順天堂大学学長特別共同研究プロジェクト採択
2013 文部科学大臣表彰科学技術部門・若手科学者賞
2010 理化学研究所基礎科学特別研究員研究成果発表会ポスター賞
2006 日本植物学会若手奨励賞
2006 日本植物形態学会平瀬賞


2019.10-  Zygote (Cambridge University Press) 編集委員



マラリア撲滅に向けた対策の1つとして、「ヒトー媒介蚊間の伝播阻止」が注目されています。現在、マラリア原虫のmosquito stageの一部を占める有性生殖を標的とし、マラリア原虫の受精(次世代の伝播)を阻害する新規手法および解析法の開発を目指して研究を進めています。



  1. Okamoto M., Yamada L., Fujisaki Y., Bloomfield G., Yoshida K., Kuwayama H., Sawada H., Mori T., Urushihara H. Two HAP2-GCS1 homologs responsible for gamete interactions in the cellular slime mold with multiple mating types: Implication for common mechanisms of sexual reproduction shared by plants and protozoa and for male-female differentiation. Dev Biol 2016. 415: 6-13. PMID: 27189178
  2. Hamaji T., Mogi Y., Ferris P.J., Mori T., Miyagishima S., Kabeya Y., Nishimura Y., Toyoda A., Noguchi H., Fujiyama A., Olson B.J., Marriage T.N., Nishii I., Umen J.G., Nozaki H. Sequence of the Gonium pectorale mating locus reveals a complex and dynamic history of changes in volvocine algal mating haplotypes. G3 (Bethesda) 2016. 6:1179-1189. PMID: 26921294
  3. Maruyama D., Völz R., Takeuchi H., Mori T., Igawa T., Kurihara D., Kawashima T., Ueda M., Itoh M., Umeda M., Nishikawa S., Groß-Hardt R., Higashiyama T. Rapid elimination of the persistent synergid through a cell-fusion for polytubey block. Cell 2015. 161: 907-918. PMID: 25913191
  4. Ebchuqin E., Yokota N., Yamada L., Yasuoka Y., Akasaka M., Arakawa M., Deguchi R. Mori T., Sawada H. Evidence for participation of GCS1 in fertilization of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: Implication of a common mechanism of sperm-egg fusion in plants and animals. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2014. 451, 522-528. PMID: 25111819
  5. Kawai-Toyooka H., Mori T., Hamaji T., Suzuki M., Olson B.J., Uemura T., Ueda T., Nakano A., Toyoda A., Fujiyama A. and Nozaki H. Sex-specific post-translational regulation of the gamete fusogen GCS1 in the isogamous volvocine alga Gonium pectorale. Eukaryot Cell 2014. 13: 648-656. PMID: 24632243
  6. Mori T., Igawa T., Tamiya G., Miyagishima S.Y., Berger F. Gamete attachment requires GEX2 for successful fertilization in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol 2014. 24: 170-175. PMID: 24388850
  7. Igawa T., Yanagawa Y., Miyagishima S., Mori T. Analysis of gamete membrane dynamics during double fertilization of Arabidopsis. J Plant Res 2013. 126: 387-394. PMID: 23076439
  8. Mogi Y., Hamaji T., Suzuki M., Ferris P., Mori T., Kabeya Y. Miyagishima S., Nozaki H. Evidence for tubular mating structures induced in each mating type of heterothallic Gonium pectorale (Volvocales, Chlorophyta). J Phycol 2012. 48: 670-674. PMID: 27011083
  9. Itoh K., Izumi A., Mori T., Dohmae N., Yui R., Maeda-Sano K., Shirai Y., Kanaoka M.M., Kuroiwa T., Higashiyama T., Sugita M., Murakami-Murofushi K., Kawano S., Sasaki N. DNA packaging proteins Glom and Glom2 coordinately organize the mitochondrial nucleoid of Physarum polycephalum. Mitochondrion 2011. 11: 575-586. PMID: 21406253
  10. Mori T*., Hirai M*., Kuroiwa T., Miyagishima S. The functional domain of GCS1-based gamete fusion resides in the amino terminus in plant and parasite species. PLoS ONE 2010. 5: e15957. *equal contribution. PMID: 21209845
  11. Itoh K., Izumi A., Mori T., Dohmae N., Yui R., Maeda-Sano K., Kanaoka M.M., Kuroiwa H., Kuroiwa T., Higashiyama T. Murakami-Murofushi K., Kawano S. and Sasaki N. New protein Pmn34 with an exonuclease motif localizes in the mitochondrial nucleoid periphery of Physarum polycephalum. Cytologia 2009. 74: 401-407. J-STAGE
  12. Brownfield L., Hafidh S., Borg M., Sidorova A., Mori T., Twell D. A plant germline-specific integrator of sperm specification and cell cycle progression. PLoS Genet 2009. 5: e1000430. PMID: 19300502
  13. Okazaki K., Kabeya Y., Suzuki K., Mori T., Ichikawa T., Matsui M., Nakanishi H., Miyagishima S. The PLASTID DIVISION1 and 2 components of the chloroplast division machinery determine the rate of chloroplast division in land plant cell differentiation. Plant Cell 2009. 21: 1769-1780. PMID: 19567705
  14. Hirooka S., Misumi O., Yoshida M., Mori T., Nishida K., Yagisawa F., Yoshida Y., Fujiwara T., Kuroiwa H., Kuroiwa T. Expression of the Cyanidioschyzon merolae stromal ascorbate peroxidase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances thermotolerance. Plant Cell Rep 2009. 28: 1881-1893. PMID: 19859717
  15. Fujiwara T., Misumi O., Tashiro K., Yoshida Y., Nishida K., Yagisawa F., Imamura S., Yoshida M., Mori T., Tanaka K., Kuroiwa H., Kuroiwa T. Periodic gene expression patterns during the highly synchronized cell nucleus and organelle division cycles in the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. DNA Res 2009. 16: 59-72. PMID: 19147531
  16. Hirai M*., Arai M*., Mori T*., Miyagishima S., Kawai S., Kita K., Kuroiwa T., Terenius O., Matsuoka H. Male fertility of malaria parasites is determined by GCS1, a plant-type reproduction factor. Curr Biol 2008. 18: 607-613. * equal contribution. PMID: 18403203
  17. Nozaki H., Mori T., Misumi O., Matsunaga S., Kuroiwa T. Males evolved from the dominant isogametic mating type. Curr Biol 2006. 16: R1018-R1020. PMID: 17174904
  18. Higashiyama T., Inatsugi R., Sakamoto S., Sasaki N., Mori T., Kuroiwa H., Nakada T., Nozaki H., Kuroiwa T., Nakano A. Species preferentiality of the pollen tube attractant derived from the synergid cell of Torenia fournieri. Plant Physiol 2006. 142: 481-491. PMID: 16935992
  19. Mori T., Kuroiwa H., Higashiyama T., Kuroiwa T. GENERATIVE CELL SPECIFIC 1 is essential for angiosperm fertilization. Nat Cell Biol 2006. 8: 64-71. PMID: 16378100
  20. Misumi O., Matsuzaki M., Nozaki H., Miyagishima S., Mori T., Nishida K., Yagisawa F., Yoshida Y., Kuroiwa H., Kuroiwa T. Cyanidioschyzon merolae genome. A tool for facilitating comparable studies on organelle biogenesis in photosynthetic eukaryotes. Plant Physiol 2005. 137: 567-585. PMID: 15681662
  21. Matsuzaki M., Misumi O., Shin-i T., Maruyama S., Takahara M., Miyagishima S., Mori T., Nishida K., Yagisawa F., Nishida K., Yoshida Y., Nishimura Y., Nakao S., Kobayashi T., Momoyama Y., Higashiyama T., Minoda A., Sano M., Nomoto H., Oishi K., Hayashi H., Ohta F., Nishizaka S., Haga S., Miura S., Morishita T., Kabeya Y., Terasawa K., Suzuki Y., Ishii Y., Asakawa S., Takano H., Ohta N., Kuroiwa H., Tanaka K., Shimizu N., Sugano S., Sato N., Nozaki H., Ogasawara N., Kohara Y., Kuroiwa T. Genome sequence of the ultrasmall unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D. Nature 2004. 428: 653-657. PMID: 15071595
  22. Yagisawa F, Mori T., Higashiyama T, Kuroiwa H, Kuroiwa T. Regulation of Brassica rapa chloroplast proliferation in vivo and in cultured leaf disks. Protoplasma 2003. 222: 139-148. PMID: 14714202
  23. Momoyama Y., Miyazawa Y., Miyagishima S., Mori T., Misumi O., Kuroiwa H., Kuroiwa T. The division of pleomorphic plastids with multiple FtsZ rings in tobacco BY-2 cells. Eur J Cell Biol 2003. 82: 323-332. PMID: 12868600
  24. Miyagishima S., Nishida K., Mori T., Kuroiwa H., Higashiyama T., Kuroiwa T. A plant-specific dynamin-related protein forms a ring at the chloroplast division site. Plant Cell 2003. 15: 655-665. PMID: 12615939
  25. Mori T., Kuroiwa H., Higashiyama T., Kuroiwa T. Identification of higher plant GlsA, a putative morphogenesis factor of gametic cells. Biochem Biophys Res Common 2003. 306: 564-569. PMID: 12804602
  26. Kuroiwa H., Mori T., Takahara M., Miyagishima S., Kuroiwa T. Chloroplast division machinery as revealed by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Planta 2002. 215: 185-190. PMID: 12029466
  27. Takahara M., Kuroiwa H., Miyagishima S., Mori T., Kuroiwa T. Localization of the mitochondrial FtsZ protein in a dividing mitochondrion. Cytologia 2001. 66: 421-425. J-STAGE
  28. Miyazawa Y., Mori T., Kobayashi T., Momoyama Y., Kuroiwa H., Kuroiwa T. Visualization of multiple FtsZ rings in activity dividing proplastids of cultured Bright Yellow-2 tobacco cells. Cytologia 2001. 66: 415-419. J-STAGE
  29. Miyagishima S., Takahara M., Mori T., Kuroiwa H., Higashiyama T., Kuroiwa T. Plastid division is driven by a complex mechanism that involves differential transition of the bacterial and eukaryotic division rings. Plant Cell 2001. 13: 2257-2268. PMID: 11595800
  30. Kuroiwa H., Mori T., Takahara M., Miyagishima S., Kuroiwa T. Multiple FtsZ rings in a pleomorphic chloroplast in embryonic cap cells of Pelargonium zonale. Cytologia 2001. 66: 227-233. J-STAGE
  31. Mori T., Kuroiwa H., Takahara M., Miyagishima S., Kuroiwa T. Visualization of an FtsZ ring in chloroplasts of Lilium longiflorum leaves. Plant Cell Physiol 2001. 42: 555-559. PMID: 11427673
  32. Mori T., Takahara T., Miyagishima S., Kuroiwa H., Kuroiwa T. Visualization of FtsZ rings in plastids of the microspore in Lilium longiflorum. Cytologia 2001. 66: 113-115. J-STAGE
  33. Mori T., Tanaka I. Isolation of the ftsZ gene from plastid-deficient generative cells of Lilium longiflorum. Protoplasma 2000. 214: 57-64. Springer Link


  1. 森 稔幸. 動植物・原生生物における共通受精機構の発見: 進化的に保存されたboy-meets-girl. 科学, 岩波書店, 2014. 84(7): 784-786. CiNii
  2. 森 稔幸. 花の中の逢瀬. 生物の科学・遺伝, NTS, 2006. 60(2): 5-8. J-GLOBAL


  1. Mori T., Kawai-Toyooka H., Igawa T., Nozaki H. Gamete dialogs in green lineages. Mol Plant 2015. 8: 1442-1454. PMID: 26145252
  2. Mori T., Igawa T. Gamete attachment process revealed in flowering plant fertilization. Plant Signal Behav 2014. 9: e977715. PMID: 25517689
  3. Igawa T., Mori T. Gamete membrane dynamics during double fertilization in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal Behav 2013. 8: e24512. PMID: 23603960
  4. Hirai M*., Mori T*. Fertilization is a novel attacking site for the transmission blocking of malaria parasites. Acta Trop 2010. 114: 157-161. * equal contribution. PMID: 19665985
  5. Mori T. Elucidating the molecular mechanics of the final stages of double fertilization. Plant Morphol 2010. 22: 9-13 (2010). J-STAGE
  6. 森 稔幸. 被子植物の受精を決定づける最終因子. Plant Morphol 2006. 18: 55-60. J-STAGE
  7. Kuroiwa T., Nishida K., Yoshida Y., Fujiwara T., Mori T., Kuroiwa H., Misumi O. Structure, function and evolution of the mitochondrial division apparatus. Biochim Biophys Acta 2006. 1763: 510-521. PMID: 16690143


  1. Mori T. Profiling the GCS1-based gamete fusion mechanism. Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants, Springer, 2014. 329-335. Springer Link
  2. 森 稔幸, 平井 誠. 配偶子融合:動植物・原生生物の受精に共通する配偶子融合因子. 動植物の受精学, 化学同人, 2014. 32-42. 動植物の受精学


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