JUNTENDO News&Events ニュース&イベント

2023.07.11 (TUE)

  • 医療科学部
  • 健康データサイエンス学部

順天堂大学 浦安・日の出キャンパス紹介動画    

順天堂大学 浦安・日の出キャンパスには、





Explore Juntendo University Urayasu Hinode Campus and discover what we can offer you!

Our campus brings together three faculties: Faculty of Medical Science, Faculty of Health Data Science, and the upcoming Faculty of Pharmacy(※) (Provisional name)-currently undergoing application for establishment accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. This unique combination of faculties allows for the integration of "Medicine" and "AI & Data Science" which is exclusive to Juntendo University. Our campus provides an exceptional environment for education and research and aims to be a sustainable "future-oriented campus" that meets societal demands as a "knowledge hub". Join our vision to create a forward-looking campus dedicated to meeting the challenges of the future and making a difference in society.




顺天堂大学 浦安日出校区介绍视频

医疗科学学院,健康数据科学学院和2024年4月将新设的药学院(※)(暂名:待批准),这三个学院将在顺天堂大学 浦安日出校区共同提供其他大学无法模仿的“医学”和“人工智能・数据科学” 的跨界融合,提供更多创新思路的教育研究环境。

本校园将作为 "知识的殿堂"回应社会需求,








