JUNTENDO News&Events ニュース&イベント

2021.11.01 (MON)

  • 順天堂大学について

中国国家留学基金管理委員会 -順天堂大学奨学金プログラムCSC-JUNTENDO Scholarship Program

For international students who wish to study at Juntendo University with the 2022 Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program Scholarship

Joint Research Program (Visiting Scholar or Postdoctoral Fellow)

Juntendo University offers a scholarship program to support international students from China who wish to study abroad for the purpose of being enrolled as a visiting scholar or postdoctoral fellow at Juntendo Graduate School and conducting joint research with an academic advisor of Juntendo University and intend on applying to the Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program Scholarship conducted by the Chinese Scholarships Council (CSC).

The process for applying to the Special Research Doctoral Student Program in October 2022 is as follows

詳しくは申請要項をご覧ください。For more details, please see the Application Guidelines.
申請要項 Application Guidelines

1.募集課程 Eligible courses
Graduate School of Medicine

 Visiting scholar (acceptance period: 6 months to 12 months [1 year])

 Postdoctoral fellow (acceptance period: 6 months to 24 months [2 years])

2.入学時期 Start of Enrollment
 2022年10月 October 2022

3.募集人員 Intake
 大学全体で年間5名まで Up to 5 students a year for the whole university

4.申請資格 Eligibility for application
Applicants must meet all of the following conditions.

(1)CSCの「国家建設高水準大学公費派遣研究生プログラム」への申請資格を有し、「与日本順天堂大学合作奖学金」に奨学金申請を行う者。※CSCへの申請資格については、Web サイト(www.csc.edu.cn)を確認してください。
Applicants eligible to apply for the CSC's Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Project
*Pleases check your eligibility at CSC website (www.csc.edu.cn).

Applicants who are enrolled in a university or research institute in China and who can obtain a letter of recommendation from the head of the university or research institute.

Applicants who have received permission for acceptance from their desired Juntendo University academic advisor

Applicants who have either Japanese or English proficiency, meet one of the following language criteria, and are able to submit the certificate:
 ① TOEFL iBT: 76点以上
 ② IELTS: 6.0 以上
 ③ TOEIC: 700 点以上
 ④ JLPT: N3以上

 Applicants with a certain level of research achievements who meet the following criteria:
Visiting scholar
Applicants with a master's degree or higher and two years or more of work experience (education/research) at the university or research institute to which they belong
Postdoctoral fellow
Applicants with a doctoral degree that has been acquired within less than three years at the time of application

5.申請書類 Application documents
Please complete the following application documents in Japanese or English.

Application form (in the attached format)
 Application form

Letter of recommendation (style is optional but a letterhead is required)

 The recommender should be the head of the university or research instituion to which the applicant belongs.
 Please specify the period of overseas study on the letter of recommendation

Resume (with photo)

Research result record

Certificate of enrollment at your university or research institution (copy)

Official score report for language tests (JLPT, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS)

 Research plan

Copy of passport

注意事項 Notes
Please submit certificate (5) in Japanese or English. If the certificate can only be issued in Chinese, applicants must prepare a translation (English or Japanese) and have it notarized at a public institution such as a local notary public office in China.

6.申請書類の提出方法 How to submit application documents
 申請書類をPDF形式に変換し、電子メール添付により順天堂大学国際交流センター(E-mail: juic@juntendo.ac.jp)に送ってください。
Please convert the application documents into PDF format and send them to Juntendo University International Center (e-mail: juic@juntendo.ac.jp) via email attachment.
  • 件名に“【CSC-Scholarship:共同研究】名前、志望研究科”を記載してください。
Include "[CSC-Scholarship: Joint Research] Name, Graduate School you wish to enter" in the subject line.

7.申請書類の提出期間 Application documents submission deadline
November 1 to December 31, 2021
順天堂大学 国際交流センター(JUIC)
〒113-8421 東京都文京区本郷2丁目1番1号
センチュリータワー北5階 N505