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Department of Medical Physics for Advanced Radiotherapy
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  Radiotherapy has played a major role in cancer treatment, and in Europe and North America a half of cancer patients receive radiotherapy. Presently in Japan the ratio is as low as a quarter; however, it is estimated that 50% of future Japanese cancer patients will be treated by radiotherapy.
Today�fs radiotherapy requires high-level medical physics expertise. In Europe and North America, the same population of medical physicists and radiation oncologists work together at clinical facilities to maintain high-quality radiation treatment. In Japan, the shortage of clinical�@medical physicists has resulted in significant impact on the quality assurance of radiation treatment.

  Juntendo will start research projects for advanced treatment using advanced equipments and establish a U.S. standard medical physics residency training program to promote high quality medical physicists development, thereby improving the quality of treatment in our country.


Kumiko Karasawa, Associate Professor


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