Juntendo University, Tokyo, established in 1838.

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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Accepting Applications for Graduate Students
 Postgraduate students can enter our school at any year after completion of the early phase of the training course. It is possible to concentrate on basic research and clinical research in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, including perinatology, reproductive medicine, and oncology. Students are mainly sent to basic courses and clinical courses at Juntendo University or collaborative research facilities (as studying at other domestic or overseas institutions) where collaborative researches are conducted. We are confident that learning the hardness and amusingness of basic research as well as the ways of thinking and doing data analysis, research presentation, research paper creation, etc. will be useful for conducting clinical activities in the future. It is our hope that students undertake clinical activities with research mind. There are many graduate students from other universities and overseas, and they are enjoying their research life in a happy atmosphere. Feel welcome and learn with us in an enjoyable way!

We are always recruiting students who want to get PhD degree. Our department is open for students and doctors graduated from medical school in Japan and in foreign country.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Introduction Video

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