

2013年 研究業績


  1. Ito C, Saito Y, Nozawa T, Fujii S, Sawa T, Inoue H, Matsunaga T, Khan S, Akashi S, Hashimoto R, Aikawa C, Takahashi E, Sagara H, Komatsu M, Tanaka K, Akaike T, Nakagawa I, Arimoto H.
    Endogenous nitrated nucleotide is a key mediator of autophagy and innate defense against bacteria.

    Mol. Cell. 52:794-804.
  2. Torisu T, Torisu K, Lee IH, Liu J, Malide D, Combs CA, Wu XS, Rovira II, Fergusson MM, Weigert R, Connelly PS, Daniels MP, Komatsu M, Cao L, Finkel T.
    Autophagy regulates endothelial cell processing, maturation and secretion of von Willebrand factor.

    Nat Med. 19:1281-1287.
  3. Bonilla DL, Bhattacharya A, Sha Y, Xu Y, Xiang Q, Kan A, Jagannath C, Komatsu M, Eissa NT.
    Autophagy Regulates Phagocytosis by Modulating the Expression of Scavenger Receptors.

    Immunity. 39:534-547.
  4. Ichimura Y, Waguri S, Sou YS, Kageyama S, Hasegawa J, Ishimura R, Saito T, Yang Y, Kouno T, Fukutomi T, Hoshii T, Hirao A, Takagi K, Mizushima T, Motohashi H, Lee MS, Yoshimori T, Tanaka K, Yamamoto M, Komatsu M.
    Phosphorylation of p62 Activates the Keap1-Nrf2 Pathway during Selective Autophagy.

    Mol. Cell. 51:618-632.
  5. Czaja MJ, Ding WX, Donohue TM, Friedman SL, Kim JS, Komatsu M, Lemasters JJ, Lemoine A, Lin JD, Ou JH, Perlmutter DH, Randall G, RayRB, Tsung A, Yin XM.
    Functions of autophagy in normal and diseased liver.

    Autophagy. 9:1131-1158.
  6. Onal M, Piemontese M, Xiong J, Wang Y, Han L, Ye S, Komatsu M, Selig M, Weinstein RS, Zhao H, Jilka RL, Almeida M, Manolagas SC, O'Brien CA.
    Suppression of autophagy in osteocytes mimics skeletal aging.

    J Biol Chem. 288:17432-17440.
  7. Maeda H, Nagai H, Takemura G, Shintani-Ishida K, Komatsu M, Ogura S, Aki T, Shirai M, Kuwahira I, Yoshida K.
    Intermittent-hypoxia induced autophagy attenuates contractile dysfunction and myocardial injury in rat heart.

    Biochim Biophys Acta. 1832:1159-1166.
  8. Komatsu M, Kuma A, Okamoto K.
    No ATG is an island--the connection of autophagy with diverse pathways and functions.

    EMBO Rep. 14:219-221.
  9. Kim KH, Jeong YT, Oh H, Kim SH, Cho JM, Kim YN, Kim SS, Kim do H, Hur KY, Kim HK, Ko T, Han J, Kim HL, Kim J, Back SH, Komatsu M, Chen H, Chan DC, Konishi M, Itoh N, Choi CS, Lee MS.
    Autophagy deficiency leads to protection from obesity and insulin resistance by inducing Fgf21 as a mitokine.

    Nat Med. 19:83-92.


  1. 一村義信,小松雅明:タンパク質の選択的オートファジーの意義 『DOUJIN BIOSCIENCEシリーズ オートファジー 細胞内分解による細胞の制御機構 編集/水島昇,吉森保』株式会社化学同人.
  2. 蔭山俊,小松雅明:オートファジーと腫瘍 『DOUJIN BIOSCIENCEシリーズ オートファジー 細胞内分解による細胞の制御機構 編集/水島昇,吉森保』株式会社化学同人.

Copyright © 順天堂大学医学部生理学第二講座 小松研究室