

2015年 研究業績


  1. Kuwahara S, Hosojima M, Kaneko R, Aoki H, Nakano D, Sasagawa T, Kabasawa H, Kaseda R, Yasukawa R, Ishikawa T, Suzuki A, Sato H, Kageyama S, Tanaka T, Kitamura N, Narita I, Komatsu M, Nishiyama A, Saito A.
    Megalin-Mediated Tubuloglomerular Alterations in High-Fat Diet-Induced Kidney Disease.

    J Am Soc Nephrol. in press.
  2. Eino A, Kageyama S, Uemura T, Annoh H, Saito T, Narita I, Waguri S, Komatsu M.
    Sqstm1-GFP knock-in mice reveal dynamic actions of Sqstm1 during autophagy and under stress conditions in living cells.

    J Cell Sci. 128:4453-44461.
  3. Katsuragi Y, Ichimura Y, Komatsu M.
    p62/SQSTM1 functions as a signaling hub and an autophagy adaptor.

    FEBS J. 282: 4672–4678.
  4. Grassi G, Di Caprio G, Santangelo L, Fimia GM, Cozzolino AM, Komatsu M, Ippolito G, Tripodi M, Alonzi T.
    Autophagy regulates hepatocyte identity and epithelial-to-mesenchymal and mesenchymal-to-epithelial transitions promoting Snail degradation.

    Cell Death Dis. 6:e1880.
  5. Ouseph MM, Huang Y, Banerjee M, Joshi S, MacDonald L, Zhong Y, Liu H, Li X, Xiang B, Zhang G, Komatsu M, Yue Z, Li Z, Storrie B, Whiteheart SW, Wang QJ.
    Autophagy is induced upon platelet activation and is essential for hemostasis and thrombosis.

    Blood. 126:1224-1233.
  6. Tsuboi K, Nishitani M, Takakura A, Imai Y, Komatsu M, Kawashima H.
    Autophagy protects against colitis by the maintenance of normal gut microflora and mucus secretion.

    J Biol Chem. 290:20511-20526.
  7. Lim J, Lachenmayer ML, Wu S, Liu W, Kundu M, Wang R, Komatsu M, Oh YJ, Zhao Y, Yue Z.
    Proteotoxic Stress Induces Phosphorylation of p62/SQSTM1 by ULK1 to Regulate Selective Autophagic Clearance of Protein Aggregates.

    PLoS Genet. 11:e1004987.
  8. Morimoto D, Walinda E, Fukada H, Sou YS, Kageyama S, Hoshino M, Fujii T, Tsuchiya H, Saeki Y, Arita K, Ariyoshi M, Tochio H, Iwai K, Namba K, Komatsu M, Tanaka K, Shirakawa M.
    The unexpected role of polyubiquitin chain in the formation of fibrillar aggregates.

    Nat Commun. 6:6116.
  9. Zheng DM, Bian Z, Furuya N, Oliva Trejo JA, Takeda-Ezaki M, Takahashi K, Hiraoka Y, Mineki R, Taka H, Ikeda S, Komatsu M, Fujimura T, Ueno T, Ezaki J.
    A teadmill exercise reactivates the signaling of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTor) in the skeletal muscles of starved mice.

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 456:519-26.


  1. 永野敦嗣、小松雅明 「呼吸器疾患とオートファジー」 THE LUNG perspectives vol.23 No.2, 19-24, 2015
  2. 斉藤哲也、小松雅明 「オートファジー」 生体の科学 66(5):2-4, 2015
  3. 蔭山俊、小松雅明 「オートファジーの誘導」 THE LUNG vol.23, No.2, 47-51, 2015
  4. 小松雅明、蔭山俊 「オートファジーと疾患」新潟県医師会報No.774, 2-10, 2015
  5. 蔭山俊、小松雅明 「酸化ストレスとオートファジー」 医学のあゆみ レドックスUPDATE 54-58, 2015
  6. 蔭山俊、小松雅明 「選択的オートファジーによる細胞制御」 内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科 第40巻第6号489-494, 2015

Copyright © 順天堂大学医学部生理学第二講座 小松研究室