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  2. 研究内容


  • (1) 自己末梢血単核球生体外培養増幅細胞移植による血管・組織再生治療の開発
  • (2) 新規マクロファージ分画による血管再生及び創傷治癒機序解明と新規組織再生治療の開発
  • (3) 糖尿病皮膚、表皮幹細胞、血管幹細胞による組織再生・破綻機構の解明
  • (4) 間葉系幹細胞と自己末梢血単核球生体外培養増幅細胞との合剤の開発
  • (5) 血管、皮膚、脂肪、毛包幹細胞の細胞生物学的解明

Current Research themes

  1. Developing vascular and tissue regeneration therapies based on the transplantation of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells expanded in vitro (MNC-QQ, Repri)
  2. Identifying the mechanisms governing angiogenesis and wound healing, and developing tissue regeneration therapies using part of a novel macrophage (ReMa cells)
  3. Identifying the mechanisms governing tissue regeneration and breakdown using diabetic skin, epidermal stem cells, vascular stem cells
  4. Developing MASQ cell mixtures (adipose-derived stem cells + Repri cells)
  5. Identifying the vascular, skin, fat, hair stem cells biology