Juntendo University, Tokyo, established in 1838.

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Department of Neurosurgery


Introduction of the department

 This department was established in 1968 by Prof. emeritus Shozo Ishii (current adviser to Juntendo University), who was succeeded by Prof. Kiyoshi Sato and then Prof. Hajime Arai in 2002. The basic principle of our department, which was determined at the inauguration of Prof. emeritus shozo Ishii, is the promotion of both clinical and basic studies by feedback of the results of basic studies to clinic.
 Studies are performed in Juntendo University and its graduate school, but also can be performed in other institutions of Juntendo. In addition, some students perform studies, while abroad or at other institutions in Japan.

Equipment for operation and angiography for animal experiments
 Introduction   Research   Achievements  
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