Juntendo University, Tokyo, established in 1838.

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Department of Ophthalmology

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【Original Articles】
  1. Ebihara N, Matsuda A, Nakamura S, Matsuda H, Murakami A. Role of the IL-6 classic- and trans-signaling pathways in corneal sterile inflammation and wound healing. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52: 8549-57, 2011
  2. Ebihara N, Ohtomo K, Tokura T, Ushio H, Murakami A: Effect of tacrolimus on chemokine production by corneal myofibroblasts via Toll-like receptors, compared with cyclosporine and dexamethasone. Cornea 30: 702-708, 2011
  3. Ebihara N, Ohashi Y, Fujishima H, Fukushima A, Nakagawa Y, Namba K, Okamoto S, Shoji J, Takamura E, Uchio E, Miyazaki D. Blood level of tacrolimus in patients with severe allergic conjunctivitis treated by 0.1% tacrolimus ophthalmic suspension. Allergol Int in press
  4. Yamaguchi M, Ebihara N, Shima N, Kimoto M, Funaki T, Yokoo S, Murakami A, Yamagami S: Adhesion, migration, and proliferation of cultured human corneal endothelial cells by laminin-5. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52: 678-684, 2011
  5. Hamahata T, Fujimaki T, Fujiki K, Miyazaki A, Mizota A, Murakami A: OPA1 mutations in Japanese patients suspected to have autosomal dominant optic atrophy. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2011 Nov 1. [Epub ahead of print]
  6. Kartasasmita AS, Fujiki K, Iskandar E, Sovani I, Fujimaki T, and Murakami A: A novel nonsense mutation in rhodopsin gene in two Indonesian families with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa. Ophthalmic Genetics 32: 57-63, 2011
  7. Honda M, Asai T, Umemoto T, Araki Y, Oku N, Tanaka M: Suppression of choroidal neovascularization by intravitreal injection of liposomal SU5416. Arch Ophthalmol 129: 317-321, 2011
  8. Toshida H, Kadota Y, Suto C, Ohta T, Murakami A. Multipurpose Soft Contact Lens Care in Japan, Clinical Ophthalmology. 2011;7
  9. Honda R, Toshida H, Suto C, Fujimaki T, Kimura T, Ohta T, Murakami A: Effect of long-term treatment with eyedrops for glaucoma on conjunctival bacterial flora. Infect Drug Resist 4:191-196, 2011
  10. Hiratsuka Y, Yamada M, Murakami A, Okada AA, Yamashita H, Ohashi Y, Yamagishi N, Tamura H, Fukuhara S, Takura T; Eye Care Comparative Effectiveness Research Team (ECCERT). Cost-effectiveness of cataract surgery in Japan. Jpn J Ophthalmol 55: 333-42, 2011
  11. Hamanaka T, Kasahara K, Takemura T: Histopathology of the trabecular meshwork and schlemm’s canal in primary angle-closure glaucoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci in press
  12. Ohokoshi K, Tsuiki E, Kitaoka T, Yamaguchi T: Visualization of subthreshold micropulse diode laser photocoagulation by scanning laser ophthalmoscopy in the retro mode. Am J Ophthalomol 150: 856-862 Epub, 2010
  13. Koshimizu J, Dhnuka R, Yamaguchi T: Ten-year follow-up of photorefractive keratectomy for myopia. Graefes Arch Clin Ophthalmol 248: 1817-1825, 2010
  14. Yamaguchi T, Miyajima HB, Hori-Komai Y, Matsumoto Y, Ebihara N, Takahashi H, Tsubota K, Shimazaki J: Outbreak of Post-LASIK infectious Keratitis from Single Laser Center in Japan. J Cataract Refract Surg 37: 894-900, 2011
  15. Takeda S, Miyazaki D, Sasaki S, Yamamoto Y, Terasaka Y, Yakura K, Yamagami S, Ebihara N, Inoue Y: Roles played by toll-like receptor-9 in corneal endothelial cells after herpes simplex virus type 1 infection. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52: 6729-6736, 2011
  16. Karasawa K, Tanaka A, Jung K, Matsuda A, Okamoto N, Oida K, Ebihara N, Ohmori K, Matsuda H. Retinal Degeneration and rd1 Mutation in NC/Tnd Mice-A Human Atopic Dermatitis Model. Curr Eye Res 36: 350-357, 2011
  17. Ishida W, Fukuda K, Sumi T, Ebihara N, Kajisako M, Matsuda H, Yagita H, Fukushima A: Adjuvants determine the contribution of basophils to antigen sensitization in vivo. Immunol Lett 136: 49-54, 2011
  18. Takamura E, Uchio E, Ebihara N, Ohno S, Ohashi Y, Okamoto S, Kumagai N, Satake Y, Shoji J, Nakagawa Y, Namba K, Fukagawa K, Fukushima A, Fujishima H: Japanese Guideline for Allergic Conjunctival Diseases (ACD). Allergol Int 60: 191-203, 2011
  19. Kawasaki S, Yagi H, Yamasaki K, Matsuda A, Takeda K, Kinoshita S: A novel mutation of the TGFBI gene causing a lattice corneal dystrophy with deep stromal involvement. Br J Ophthalmol 95: 150-151, 2011
  20. Nakatsukasa M, Kawasaki S, Yamasaki K, Fukuoka H, Matsuda A, Kinoshita S: Two novel mutations identified in three Japanise gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy families. Mol Vis 17: 965-970, 2011
  21. Shima N, Kimoto M, Yamaguchi M, Yamagami S. Increased proliferation and replicative lifespan of isolated human corneal endothelial cells with L-Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52, 8711-8717, 2011
  22. Shinoda H, Koto T, Fujiki K, Murakami A, Tsubota K, Ozawa Y: Clinical findings in a choroideremia patient who underwent vitrectomy for retinal detachment associated with macular hole. Jpn J Ophthalmol 55:169-71, 2011
  23. Ishida Y, Yanai R, Sagara T, Nishida T, Toshida H, Murakami A: Decrease in intraocular pressure following orthokeratology measured with a noncontact tonometer. Jpn J Ophthalmol 55 : 190-195, 2011
  24. Takihara Y, Inatani M, Seto T, Iwao K, Iwao M, Inoue T, Kasaoka N, Murakami A, Futa R, Tanihara H. Trabeculectomy with mitomycin for open-angle glaucoma in phakic vs pseudophakic eyes after phacoemulsification. Arch Ophthalmol 129 : 152-157, 2011
  25. Morgan PB, Efron N, Toshida H, Nichols JJ. An international analysis of contact lens compliance. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 34: 223-228, 2011
  26. Fujiike K, Mizuno Y, Hiratsuka Y, Yamada M: The Strabismus Surgery Study Group. Quality of life and cost-utility assessment after strabismus surgery in adults. Jpn J Ophthalmol 55: 268-276, 2011


【Original Articles】
  1. Matsuda A, Ebihara N, Yokoi N, Kawasaki S, Tanioka H, Inatomi T, de Waal Malefyt R, Hamuro J, Kinoshita S, Murakami A: Functional Roles of Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin for Chronic Allergic Keratoconjunctivitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51: 151-155, 2010
  2. Matsuda A, Ebihara N, Yokoi N, Okayama Y, Watanabe Y, Kawasaki S, Tanioka H, Walls AF, Hamuro J, Kinoshita S, Murakami A: Basophils in the giant papillae of chronic allergic keratoconjunctivitis. Br J Ophthalmol 94 : 513-518, 2010
  3. Matsuda A, Ebihara N, Yokoi N, Maruyama K, Hamuro J, Kinoshita S, Murakami A: Lymphoid neogenesis in the giant papillae of patients with chronic allergic conjunctivitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 126: 1310-1312, 2010
  4. Ohtomo K, Ebihara N, Matsuda A, Tokura T, Funaki T, Murakami A: Role of TGF-β in tissue eosinophilia associated with vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Exp Eye Res 91: 748-754, 2010.
  5. Ohashi Y, Ebihara N, Fujishima H, Fukushima A, Nakagawa Y, Okamoto S, Shoji J, Takamura E, Hayashi K: A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial of tacrolimus ophthalmic suspension 0.1% in severe allergic conjunctivitis. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 26: 165-174, 2010
  6. Sumi T, Ishida W, Ebihara N, Fukushima A: T cell-related co-stimulatory molecules in the conjunctiva of patients with severe allergic conjunctivitis. Cornea 29: 622-627, 2010
  7. Umeda Y, Nakamura S, Fujiki K, Toshida H, Saito A, Murakami A: Distribution of goblet cells and MUC5AC mRNA in the canine nictitating membrane. Exp Eye Res 91: 721-726, 2010
  8. Fukuoka H, Kawasaki S, Yamasaki K, Matsuda A, Fukumoto A, Murakami A, Kinoshita S: Lattice Corneal Dystrophy Type IV (p.Leu527Arg) was caused by a founder mutation of the TGFBI gene in a single Japanese Ancestor. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51: 4523-4230, 2010
  9. Nakatsukasa M, Kawasaki S, Yamasaki K, Fukuoka H, Matsuda A, Tsujikawa M, Tanioka H, Takaoka M, Hamuro J, Kinoshita S: TACSTD2 Directly Binds to Claudin 1 and 7 and is Required for the Proper Subcellular Localization of Tight Junction-Related Proteins: The Roles of TACSTD2 in the Pathogenesis of Gelatinous Drop-Like Corneal Dystrophy. Am J Pathol 177: 1344-1355, 2010
  10. Liu Z, Tian X, Iida N, Fujiki K, Xie P, Wang W, Ma Z, Kanai A, Murakami A: Mutation analysis of CHST6 gene in Chinese patients with macular corneal dystrophy. Cornea 29: 883-888, 2010
  11. Kobayakawa S, Hiratsuka Y, Watabe Y, Murakami A, Tochikubo T: Comparison of the influence of intracameral gentamicin, gatifloxacin, and moxifloxacin on the corneal endothelium in a rabbit model. Jpn J Ophthalmol 54: 481-485, 2010
  12. Ohkoshi K, Yamaguchi T: Subthreshold micropulse diode laser photocoagulation for diabetic macular edema in Japanese patients. Am J Ophthalmol 149: 133-139, 2010
  13. Ohkoshi K, Tsuiki R, Kitaoka T, Yamaguchi T: Visualization of subthreshold micropulse diode laser photocoagulation by scanning laser ophthalmolscopy in the mode in the retro mode. Am J Ophthalmol 150: 856-862, 2010
  14. Sakuma T, Mizota A, Inoue J, Tanaka M. Intravitreal Injection of Autologous Plasmin Enzyme for Macular Edema Associated with Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion. Am J Ophthalmol 150:876-82, 2010
  15. Ono K, Hiratsuka Y, Murakami A: Geographical distribution of ophthalmologists before and after the new postgraduate training program in Japan. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 17: 125-130, 2010
  16. Ono K, Hiratsuka Y, Murakami A: Global inequality in eye health: country-level analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study. Am J Public Health 100: 1784-1788, 2010
  17. Tano T, Hiratsuka Y, Ono K, Murakami A: Influence of cataract surgery and blood pressure changes caused by sodium restriction on retinal vascular diameter. Clinical Ophthalmology 4: 1299-1309, 2010
  18. Yamada M, Hiratsuka Y, Roberts CB, Pezzullo ML, Yates K, Takano S, Miyake K, Taylor HR: Prevalence of Visual Impairment in the Japanese Population by Cause and Severity and Future Projections. Ophthalmic Epidemiology 17: 50-57, 2010
  19. Roberts CB, Hiratsuka Y, Yamada M, Pezzullo ML, Yates K, Takano S, Miyake K, Taylor HR: The economic cost of visual impairment in Japan. Archives of Ophthalmology 128: 766-771, 2010
  20. Watanabe Y, Hamanaka T, Takemura T, Murakami A: Involvement of platelet coagulation and inflammation in the endothelium of schlemm’s canal. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51: 277-283, 2010
  21. Ozeki N, Yuki K, Kimura I. Alternative approach to treating malignant glaucoma after trabeculectomy with unplanned zonulectomy. Clin Ophthalmol 4:383-5, 2010
  22. Yuki K, Kimura I, Shiba D, Imamura Y, Tsubota K. Elevated serum immunoglobulin G titers against Chlamydia pneumoniae in primary open-angle glaucoma patients without systemic disease. J Glaucoma 19:535-9, 2010
  23. Yoshida K, Hasegawa D, Takusagawa A, Kato I, Ogawa C, Echizen N, Ohkoshi K, Yamaguchi T, Hosoya R, Nababe A: Bullous ezudative retinal detachment due to infiltration of leukemic cells in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Int J Hamatal 92: 535-537, 2010
  24. Marumoto T, Hiratsuka Y, Murakami A: The significance of the determination of lymphocytes with -clinical manifestation of ophthalmic zoster sine herpete. Clin Ophthalmology 30: 817-822, 2010
  1. Ebihara N, Matsuda A, Seto T, Ohtomo K, Funaki T, Takai T, Murakami A: The Epithelium Takes Center Stage in Allergic Keratoconjunctivitis. Cornea 29 (11suppl 1): S41-S47, 2010
  1. Hiratsuka Y. Alcohol use and diseases of the eye. In: Miller NS and Gold MS. Addictive Disorders in Medical Populations. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 278-286, 2010
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