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Department of Ophthalmology
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�@Department of Immunology aims not only basic research as the analysis in the molecular level in the immunoreaction of a living body, but also the research linking directly to clinical medicine as the elucidation of the mechanism of crisis or pathology and the development of cure and diagnostic method in various diseases (�gtranslational research�h).
�@In addition, the researches carried out in our laboratory by the members with various backgrounds, such as graduation of medical, dentistry, pharmacy, science, agricultural, technology, and more. As a result, many international achievements have gone up.
�@Moreover, the goal of graduate student instruction in this laboratory is not only the participation to the project that is advancing at our laboratory, but the original research by its idea, and training of the researcher accepted internationally.

Contact to Department of Immunology
TEL +81-3-5802-1045, FAX +81-3-3813-0421
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