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Department of Ophthalmology
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 Research instructional objective
1�j �@In our laboratory, the goal of graduate student instruction is the training of the researcher internationally accepted enough.
Therefore, our graduate students are finally required of not only the participation to the project advancing at our laboratory, but the spontaneous research and achievement by their idea.
Specifically, these students strive for acquisition of various experiment techniques and technologies, and scientific thinking under instruction of each research group's leader in the first and second year. In the third and fourth year, they make it to a rule the theme of our laboratory and research according to themselves idea.
2�j �@In principle, our graduate students are request for the participation to every week progress report meeting of each work in our laboratory the participation to the seminar by about one of the foreign researcher per month mainly ,and one or more of the various societies per year. The participation to an international society is also recommended positively.
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