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Department of Ophthalmology
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 The research task of immunology
�@Worldwidely, introduction of the various new technology (production of the various gene deficit mice by the gene-targeting method, new gene cloning by the yeast two hybrid method, and etc.) and the fruits of work by it are astonishing in the field of immunology.
�@Therefore, the classification like immunology, molecular biology, or biochemistry is already becoming outdated now. From the viewpoint, when carrying out the research task in this laboratory, the experiments using all the latest technology is required.
�@Especially, this graduate students are made into the present research task below.
1�jProduction of monoclonal antibodies to lymphocyte surface functional molecules and functional analysis the molecules in vitro and in vivo using this monoclonal antibodies
2�jAnalysis of the mechanism of the anti-tumor effect by the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL), the natural killer (NK) cell, and a NKT cell
3�jAnalysis of the mechanism of tumor rejection by genetically transduction of costimulatory molecules to tumor cells, and application to the cancer therapy
4�jDevelopment of the immunologic disease therapy adapting controlling immune-function molecules
5�jAnalysis of the tolerance of a transplant, and the mechanism of rejection
6�jAnalysis of the disease development-of-symptoms mechanism using various gene deficit mice
7�jAnalysis of the cause of a disease of an autoimmune disease, and the mechanism of pathological formation
8�jAnalysis of the signal transfer mechanism through the receptor of a TNR-R super family (cloning of a new gene, and production of a knockout mouse) etc.
1�j Monoclonal antibody
2�j Anti-tumor effect of CTL and NK cells
3�j Costimulatory signal
4�j Tolerance of a transplant, and refusal
5�j Allergy
6�j Autoimmune disease
7�j Tumor immunity
8�j TNR-R super family
9�j Signal transduction
10�j Knockout mouse
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